Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why Lucille isn't laying

Lucille, the other of our adopted Red Sex-Links, laid dependably through December before leaving all the responsibility to Lucy. It is now apparent why; she's even lost her tail feathers in this moult! As for the Welsummer and the Rhode Island Red, who knows what their excuse is.

That's it for now from . . .


~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

I'm not looking forward to that at all! I love getting eggs every day, I wish there were some way to take the excess I have and preserve them...

Kara said...

After the molt all my hens began laying won't be long.

Michelle said...

Becky, I sent you a PM, but there IS a way to preserve the excess for the "down time" -- freeze them!

Kenleigh's Fiber Studio said...

This is what our red girl is starting to look like! I always feel bad for them while they are moulting!