Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Morning and evening
Yesterday morning's setting moon
Our dogs and Rick one recent evening. Watching them play is one of my favorite forms of entertainment, and seeing Rick love on Jackson and Dozer never fails to warm my heart.
I agree...there's just something special about seeing men love on animals or babies. Warms the heart. And BTW - I am just 51...NOT 52 - bite your tongue!!!
I'm a homeschooling, horse training, animal loving, garden growing, part-time business running, spinning and knitting shepherd who loves the Great Shepherd.
Looks rather like Dozer is loving ON Rick, not the other way around...
Doesn't Dozer look positively blissed out? :-)
I agree...there's just something special about seeing men love on animals or babies. Warms the heart. And BTW - I am just 51...NOT 52 - bite your tongue!!!
Everybody looks so happy. It truly does warm the heart. Great shots!
My mother divided people in animal and non-animal people. Rick is an animal people.
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