This morning we awoke to another skiff of snow. Since Nancy had never heard of the word "skiff" before seeing it here, I looked it up, just for her. ;-) The Word Detective says its origins are from the same part of the world as our little sheep - cool!
Today we "put away Christmas," taking down the tree and packing away the decorations. After a rain/snow shower, Russell and I had a good schooling session, and here and there during the day between various tasks I finished filling a bobbin with Braveheart singles:

My immune system and the cold are still doing battle, but my immune system finally seems to be getting the upper hand. Everything else on Boulderneigh is healthy, so for that I am thankful. Gotta focus on the positive, because there is plenty of heartbreak all around - in my family, among my friends, and in the world. The devil is certainly acting like the raging lion described in the Bible, but we know who wins the cosmic conflict - praise the Lord!
That's it for now from . . .

Hope you are feeling better.. I know we are struggling with a bug around here and trying to get ahead of things at the same time... or at least caught up...
p.s. would you send some of that snow just down the hill please... Nathan wants snow...
I wish we had just a skiff of snow. Here in Tn we've had a lot of snow. At my place there's at least a couple of inches. Glad you are feeling better. Yes, Praise The Lord that we know he'll win this battle going on in this world.
Cariann, maybe you'll get some Tuesday night. :-)
Voni, I heard on the news that TN and other southern states are getting hammered. Stay safe and warm!
Thanks for the definition of 'skiff' AND the link! Very interesting.
As always, your yarn looks exquisite! Don't you just love your electronic spinner? Do you have a woolly winder on it? I'm thinking you must, judging by how perfectly even the yarn is distributed on the bobbin. I do SO want a Woolly Winder. Great ~ now I'm coveting your Woolly Winder AND your camera...
I hope you're back to feeling 100% SOON!
You're welcome, Nancy. And yes, I have a WooLee Winder. I wasn't planning to; didn't think it was "necessary" and it certainly seemed expensive. But the model I tried at BSG had one and I quickly saw how much my production would increase if ALL I had to do was focus on my drafting. Plus, getting my miniSpinner WITH a WW was less expensive than adding one later, so I went for it. I'm SO glad I did!!! A photo of my marled plied yarn will be up today.
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