It is a good day to stay inside and nurse a cold - my second in one season, I'm disgusted to say. It won't last long - they never do; it's just annoying and inconvenient and I feel betrayed by my immune system.
Oh well, I can sit and spin. A bobbin is filling quickly with Braveheart wool to ply with the Jacob. I had a little over 10 ounces of his roving left, so I'm spinning it a little bulkier and hoping to end up with close to the same yardage I have in six ounces of Jacob. This is will be my first serious stash-busting effort (using up all I have of two different fibers), and I'm positively thrilled with the production I'm managing with the help of my miniSpinner and its handy-dandy WooLee Winder. It sits on a stack of footrests next to my comfortable corner wingback chair, where I can sit down and spin off and on throughout the day and evening.

That's it for today from . . .

Colds in the winter are miserable! Feel better soon - but enjoy all that stash-busting!
I've been taking L-lysine - my accupuncturist recommended it as an antiviral. So far, I've had one "cold" - and it only lasted 4 days. Since I have asthma and semi-compromised lungs, I have to watch it.
What was the long wool? Some of them don't felt at all (just ask Sharon...), and some of them, like Border Leicester, do really well.
Sounds like you're having fun with your Mini-spinner. If/when we get together, I probably shouldn't try it becaus I'll want one, too...
Laura, you don't want a mS because it's not fast enough for you, remember? As for the longwool, it is from my farrier's ram, who was a border leicester mix of some sort.
Well, rest is good for fighting a cold, and I think spinning is a good way to rest. And the weather is doing it's best to be helpful by keeping you indoors.
Aren't our Aussies helpful?
We are in a deep freeze here. It's cold and damp, but the sheep seem more content with this than the 40 degrees and rain that we had last week. Take care of yourself and get rid of that bothersome cold soon.
What kind of longwool is it? Coopworth, a long wool felts ok. I had problems felting some 100% llama mittens I made. They grew instead of shrinking, so my Dad got to get them.
I love your raindrop picture! It would be a great calendar picture or a great background for a computer. Hope you feel better soon!
Your spinning location is so sunny and inviting, so easy to be drawn back to. I've relocated my spinning spot just yesterday - it's where the Christmas tree was and I haven't tried it yet. After I moved the furniture, it had to move too. It's not sunny like yours :(
Hope you are feeling better today - so nice of Jackson to help you load the dishwasher :-)
What a nice little nook to spin in! Right now my 'wool room' is occupied (its also the spare room) and I feel a little denied lol
Hope your feeling better soon, I'm finally feeling better after a week long head cold. Hoping it doesn't migrate to my chest.
That first photo is simply stunning!
Your spinning corner looks so cozy and inviting! So sorry to hear about your cold(s). I'm glad you've been feeling well enough to be productive though.
The water drop shot is fantastic! Sorry you are still sick. I'm right there with you. Battling round two.
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