This weather is going to be hard to give up when the rains come and wrest it from our clutching grasp. I've been able to ride whenever I can fit it in (which led up to a
successful clinic yesterday), the breeding group has been able to stay out 24/7, and we've gotten some projects done to make chores easier/nicer this winter.

Yesterday Rick and Brian finished the gates on the Ram-ada Inn, hung the second feeder on the back wall so I only have to carry hay to one side, and put the battens on as well. Here are Inky and Browning enjoying the day next to the handsome shack that has been sheltering them during breeding season:

We also moved the chicken yard so that we don't have to walk through the muddy muck to take care of the hens this winter. They now have a "pop door" for access to the yard, the much smaller opening of which will also serve to keep the henhouse warmer in the winter.

As of now the flock at Boulderneigh is almost at its winter census. Today Franna brought Blackberry home and picked up Barish. All the girls are together again (Katie is really picking on poor old Inky), with Blackberry and Browning in the Ram-ada Inn and the three little boys still in their lot together. (Byzantine leaves on Friday.) Here are final portraits from my 2010 breeding group. Ladies first:

Beautiful Bronwen, who could give me black gulmoget, black katmoget, black gul-kat or solid black lambs - or modified versions of any of those.

"Mean girl" Katie, who could throw black, grey, black katmoget or Ag grey katmoget lambs.

Sweet Bramble, who could throw all the same colors and patterns as her half-sister Bronwen.

Annabelle, who could throw white, black or black katmoget lambs.
And finally, the alien that was in their midst:

Seriously, don't you think the Klingons from Star Trek were inspired by breeding-season rams?
That's it for now from . . .