"There's a new kid in town (everybody's talkin' 'bout), the new kid in town...." At seven, my new ewe is certainly no kid, and she doesn't act like one, either. For all the changes in her life in the last two weeks, she is quite calm, taking in everything around her carefully. Susan Kimball called this ewe Inky, but since Holly is what comes to mind when I think of her (her polled genetics from grandsire Greenholme Holly and sire Spin Web Holly Boy is why I got her), I think I'm going to just go with it. Besides, her registered name IS Kaleidoscope Holly Orchid.
My first glimpse of her in Tammy's trailer revealed a beautiful Shetland head with large, expressive eyes. Wool on the poll, too. Since I like to spend a lot of "face time" with my sheep, I am thrilled. Certainly there are many more important qualities to look for in a breeding animal, but I want to enjoy what I'm looking at, too.

I haltered Holly and put her in the stall where the lambs have been spending the night while Tammy and I loaded her new sheep and Brian did his best to put on a one-boy variety show. After Tammy pulled out, I went in and sat with Holly for awhile, looking her over and getting acquainted. She came up readily to eat grain from my hand, but didn't want to stick around for scritches. I decided to put the halter back on and take her for a little walk-about to stretch her legs and eat a bit of grass. Brian held the lead so I could get a good photo of her "rear view," since that area is a known weakness in some Holly descendants. She is rather narrow, but I don't see what I would call "cow hocks," and she has a wonderful tail (a weakness in my ewe flock but fortunately not in my prepotent ram). She has good body length and nice, strong pasterns, too. Her fleece is still quite black, a different type than my others; I can't wait to see how she crosses with Braveheart.

Tonight she'll meet the wether boys, and hang out with them until quarantine is over. She's got a snotty nose that hasn't proved contagious so far, but I'd like to get it cleared up.
That's it for now at . . .