Here I am in my Lacy Shawl and Fingerless Gloves, both knitted from free patterns I found on the internet and knit from ShepherdChik's handspun Shetland/angora
yarn. My sister took the photo for me before I wore them to church yesterday, over her protests that fingerless gloves are JUST TOO WEIRD. :-)

The hillside on which we live is clothed in far finer garb than I could ever craft. The photo above is a bit blurry, but the only one I took in which you can (barely) discern Mt. Hood on the horizon. The weather has been glorious this past week, sunny and beautiful during the day with crisp fall nights illuminated by stars and a full moon. My sister is finally getting her minimum daily requirement of sunshine after three weeks of nearly constant rain, which she bore admirably well, by the way -- for a Texan. :-)
That's it for now from . . .
The scarf and gloves came out beautfully...it warms my fiberholic heart to see that you are now solidly addicted...and you said that it wouldn't happen ;-)
Great job, oh faceless one!
I agree with Lauren...who's IS that "Masked Knitter"? You say it's you...but can the rest of us be sure????? ROFL!!!
Wonderful job...someday I will knit like that! (Yeah, right...well...maybe...if I stop doing all the other things....)
Like I told Lauren, I leave the face shots for those with the face for them! (Hmmm, maybe I need to remove that photo from my profile....)
8 Day trip in November? What's this I hear?
I can verify that it was actually my sister in the picture - she was going for a Madonna/"Vogue" look. :)
Was NOT! Thffppt!
You know you had fun - we laughed WAY too much taking that picture. :)
The shawl looks great. I LOVE fingerless mitts!
Awww, you must be be shy. LOL
Lovely golden colors.
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