Yesterday a box arrived from Beth in WI, sent as a prize for winning a contest on her blog (it's called
Chocolate Sheep -- how perfect is that?). Beth is another "blessing of blogging," someone I count as a friend although we've never met or even heard each other's voices on the phone. Anyway, this was in the wonderful handpicked prize she sent me: three bumps of soft, naturally chocolate-colored roving; chocolate mint tea, a bar of Hershey's extra dark chocolate with macadamia nuts and cranberries, and a box of Bigelow Cranberry Apple herb tea (I told her I like herb tea). It makes me want to lock the doors, sit down with a hot cup and a piece of chocolate and SPIN! Alas, that will have to wait awhile, but it's certainly something to look forward to!

One of the things on today's to-do list was make condensed tomato soup, a recipe my family loves. I picked tomatoes last week before the fall weather kicked in and canned some whole tomatoes right away, but saved some for soup. The weather has been cool, so they have waiting on the front step. But what in the world has been going on in the bowl?

Further clues -- evidence of mayhem -- stained the concrete nearby.

Can you believe those dratted deer came up close enough to ring the doorbell and ate some of my tomatoes?

There's nothing like varmints to bring out the worst in a person. I need a "vaporizor gun"!
That's it for now at . . .
Your deer are my rabbits~
Michelle - I am just catching up on blogs, and I must tell you that your photographs are just great. I love the ones from OFF, and the lighthouse one looks like it came off an inspirational poster. Keep blogging, I really enjoy reading yours!
Yes, I can indeed believe the deer come that your Meadow Rats come that close as our Rats-With-Antlers do too - usually to scrape the velvet off their antlers on an aspen tree not 5 feet from the house!
The Prize you received looks yummy! I'm with that the relations have moved on to Hawaii, I have time to actually slow down and spin again.
And will you please share your soup recipe? I made tomato paste out of the few plants I planted on the deck, but would have liked a good tomato soup, too. :)
How's the visit with Sis?
Making tomato soup on the East Coast too!
Damn, girl! Those Meadow Rats are bold! Who'd have thunk it? Makes my regular rats seem a little more bearable. At least they only eat a little chicken grain...
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