Late last night Rick had to treat this little fluff-ball's mother for helping herself to WAY too much grain. He came home practically gushing about how cute this baby was, which is unusual for him. First thing this morning he needed to recheck the intemperate jenny, and since the
miniature donkey farm is just up the road a couple miles, Brian and I rode with him.

This jenny and her three-day-old foal were in the same paddock as the patient and her foal. The mama wanted Brian's plum.

I could have taken these two home with me. The foal is sooo soft -- when she would hold still long enough to be touched! Most of the time she was running and bucking. Look closely (or click on the photo to "biggify"); you can see the friskiness in her eye. Isn't it amazing to think that just three days ago, she was wadded up inside her mother's uterus?
That's it for now at . . .
Oh my! How could you NOT bring one home? It's all I can do not to toss them in the car when I drive by one of these cuties. And they're SOFT? Wonder if you could spin it? ..... uh oh .....
Wow, that IS cute! Too bad they grow up.
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