Hmm, what to cast on for next? Not having something on the needles to keep my fingers busy leaves me feeling fidgety. No, I still haven't done the finish work on the mini-cardigan; I need to seam up the sleeves, sew up a couple of extra buttonholes (oops), and sew on three buttons. But I also need something I can just "sit down and knit;" finish work isn't as fun and relaxing. But if I get busy, I could wear that mini-cardigan to church this week if it's cool enough.... Besides, I need to finish it to figure out how I'm going to modify the pattern before starting another one!
This morning we awoke to the cool and cloudy results of an "on-shore flow" that blew in last night, giving us a welcome respite from the unseasonable heat of the last few days. We all slept better for it.
That's it for now at . . .

It was hard leaving the coastal coolness of the Columbia River Gorge this morning, knowing we'd have to use air conditioning again by the afternoon. Central Oregon is a place unto itself and helps ease my disappointment when I leave the Pacific NW and make the transition to the Nevada High Desert. Bet it's cool enough for your sweater this weekend - pictures, please.
I totally agree with you; chunky cotton does not float my boat. Give me wool anyday, preferably worsted or sport weight.
The hat looks great though!
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