One of today's projects was putting these new plants in pots and the ground. When we went plant-shopping Thursday Brian wanted all the red flowers he could see; he finally settled on the red geranium and the mixed marigolds (can you guess his favorite colors?). I got some trusty dwarf dahlias to go with the marigolds in the entry island; the deer don't touch them and they bloom all summer. Then there's blue and white lobelia to go around the red geranium in a pot on the deck. The garden is not at all ready yet to be buying tomato plants to set out, but I knew if I didn't grab an intriguing "Green Grape" while I could, they would be gone.
Here's the completion of our work: the pots (the pansies and chrysanthemum overwintered; I tucked a couple of the lobelia in with them)

and the island.

The bedding plants will take awhile to fill in around the edge and there's still some weeding to do. The daffodils featured earlier in the blog are on the other side of the little wooden gate at the far end. The "Arp" rosemary I planted earlier are around the big green box on the right, and you can see the PJM rhodies Rick planted around the Japanese maple.
Another of today's goals was the maiden launch of a kite the neighbors gave us. Brian has been impatiently waiting for an opportunity, but today was as still as can be. Undaunted, he made his own wind by running!

After spending several rainy days in the fold, the sheep-girls got to enjoy the great outdoors today. They are busy growing plush new fleeces; it's interesting to observe the differences between the four. Right now, Bella's and Dinah's seem the most similar in type; Rechel's is crimpier and Valentine's is completely unique and hard for me to describe. They sure enjoy it when I reach under their coats and give them a brisk scratching!
That's it for now at . . .
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