I have to admit I'm not really a "purse" woman, and I'm not all that crazy about the proportions of these bags (my fault on the larger one; I added stitches and made it wider). But they are extremely meaningful to me, because after my Dinah grew the fleece, I did ALL the rest! I sheared her, washed and carded the fleece, dyed it with Kool-Aid, spun and plied it (adding a thin white-gold thread), knitted and felted them -- all firsts for me. So keep your constructive criticism to yourself, and just admire with me the wonder of going from this

to this!

That's it for now at . . .

Hi Michelle!
This is such an accomplishment! Your purse is great. Wear it with pride.
Great work! I know you're glad to have it finished...now what? Which project are you tackeling next? :)
Way to go - great job! T.
Wowie-Zowie! They look great! After felting Shetland - what do you think? I know many people save the coarser fleece for felting - did you? How does it "handle" now? Just wondering...cuz felting is on my list of things to do with my fleeces...
Those are the best before and after pictures!
What an accomplishment to shear to felt. I love the sheep to shoulder description. :-)
Thank-you all for your kind words! I may have to become a "bag lady" yet and use these. The small one is more tempting....
Melanie, since this fiber was from my first inept attempt at shearing last year, I just washed and carded it all together without skirting or grading. It had a fair amount of VM in it, so a handbag seemed a good use for it; who cares if there are prickles? As far as the handle, I have nothing to compare the felted pieces to, so I can't say....
Great job!!! I know the feeling, I just sheard my sheep for the first time and now have yarn. Haven't knitted anything yet, but I am making a plan. It just tickles me to know where this came from. I know "Freckles" personlly.
Your felted bags are wonderful! Well done! Hard to believe this is a first for you. Don't you just love dyeing with koolaid? Oh, before I forget, congrats on your ribbons (I read about that on Kathy L's treasure box post :)
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