Friday morning I got up early and drove north to Puyallup, WA for the Shepherd's Extravaganza. Thanks to Shetland breeder
Franna Pitt, a specific breed was featured for the first time - Shetland! With Franna's encouragement and assistance, I entered my four fleeces and volunteered to help so I could get up close and personal with each entry and hear what judge Ingrid Painter had to say.
It was a great experience. There were 39 Shetland fleeces entered - including two of Linda Wendelboe's from Canada! One of hers was a lovely
pewter fleece, a rare modified color. I got to play "touchy-feely" with it and all the other Shetland fleeces, striving to educate my hand and eye while listening to the judge's comments.

Ms. Painter also talked about the Shetland breed's history from hundreds of years ago through the present day. This information became especially pertinent when she evaluated Dinah's and Bella's fleeces. Both of them, she felt, were too long and heavy (the biggest fleeces in their respective groups!) for "historic Shetlands" (my term, not hers), indicating effects of "up-breeding" done from about 200 years ago to the 1920s. (She still deemed them nice fleeces and very spinnable, awarding them blue ribbons using the Danish system.)
Rechel's fleece got a red ribbon; Valentine's was a top blue. That meant Valentine's was in contention for the top adult ewe and the top three Shetland fleeces overall. It didn't win anything in the end, but I was thrilled nonetheless. (That's hers in the foreground bag; the judge is on the left.)

In the final tally, I learned a lot about one judge's opinion of my girls and Shetland fleeces in general, got an education on fleece types and skirting for show, reveled in seeing and handling dozens of fleeces, put faces with the names of three NW Shetland breeders - AND sold one fleece. While I would have liked to have sold more, this means I have fleeces to spin. Two women from my church have expressed a desire to purchase some of my handspun, so I'm kind of excited! (Does anyone know where I can order more hours in my days?)

This is Franna Pitt, left, and Donna Schoonover holding the NASSA Tartan.
That's it for now at . . .