We're five days in and I'm still running. It may be sorry self-delusion, but it even feels (at the moment) that I've kind of hit my stride in this marathon of a month and may finish in good form!
There's been a flurry of communications about sheep, and I now have a departure date for the three that are leaving to join Berlin and Boomer at their loving fiber pet home. In order to make it easier for their new owners, I decided to wean Blackjack yesterday; hopefully by the time he and his dam Bree (along with Bling) move at the end of this month, he will be a 'big boy' (and her milk supply will have dried up). I did have to close our bedroom window last night.... Here is sweet Blackjack on his way to heartbreak:
The other big event of yesterday was an agility match, Poppy's and my second. The nerves from our first match were gone and I was hopeful that we would qualify in all three runs, but we 'blew the Q' in the first run just like at our inaugural match. And just like at our inaugural match, Poppy decided that the third run was for socializing, and tried to visit the volunteers in the ring along the way. 🙄🤪 But we still had two qualifying runs; I'm really proud of my girl!
l did get some of my starts (the two determinate tomatoes, two Japanese eggplant, and two basil) planted in my unused sheep-sized stock tank. Since I didn't want to drill drainage holes in it, I put a layer of twigs in the bottom before adding soil. I still need to rig up protective fencing before deer or raccoons discover it, and should probably move it first into a place with more sun. (I know where I want it, but Rick would consider it "in the way.")
Rick spent all day yesterday getting his vet truck put back together, so that's ONE breakdown taken care of. Several more to go, including the little tractor in the driveway. Yesterday one of the firs in our NE corner blew down and took out our lower fence; Rick knew it was precarious but needed the tractor to deal with it. Add a fence to the list of necessary repairs....
I'll share more sheep news next time.
That's it for now from . . .
You sound very upbeat and happy even though things are busy, busy, busy. But if you can see things getting done and crossed off the list, it always takes some pressure off. I'd feel less "pressure" if this first hatch of mosquitoes hasn't been MONUMENTAL! Everyone says they've never seen those blood-thirsty buggers so thick. Arrrrgh!
I'm happy to have found this post early on! I pray that you will be able to keep on keepin' on, through all that needs to be done this month. You have quite a list.
It's good to know that Rick's vet truck is up and running again! Now for the small tractor...
Poor little Blackjack! And on animal things, I'm glad you and Poppy had two qualifying runs. Maybe next time, she will pay more attention to what she's doing, and not want to stop and make friends. Rico has some of that problem - always wanting to meet old friends and make new ones, wherever we go!
You can KEEP your 'Minnesota State Birds,' Mama Pea; I don't miss those at ALL! (But am sorry for your misery. 😞)
You're 'johnny on the spot' this morning, Jeanne! I think by the third run Poppy's attention starts drifting. Funny thing is, she still qualified both times she did that!
Weaning is the absolute worst part of raising critters. I usually wean them when they're off to their new homes. I find with the boys, especially, there is so much going on at their new places that they forget more quickly than if they can see and smell mom.
Congratulations to you and Poppy! Kinda sounds like Poppy's just in it for the fun.
Isn't it, though? The reason I'm weaning Blackjack now is because he and his mom are both going to the same place, and I have a better set-up for weaning than their new owners do.
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