Given all that has happened in the last two weeks and the many Charles Dickens audiobooks I've listened to, the title seemed appropriate. Hold onto your hats; this is a long catch-up post.
Rick's and my 39th wedding anniversary was Saturday, June 10, but we scheduled our date for Sunday evening. Sabbath afternoon we just took an afternoon walk with the dogs. At the other end of the lane, I spotted an odd creature. It looked like a cross between an enormous earthworm and a small snake; I'd never seen anything like it. So of course I searched the internet when we got home, and learned it was a rubber boa. This was the first we'd seen or heard about this native species in nearly 34 years of living here –
and then I saw another this week, on our property! Strange to see two in two weeks, after decades of unawareness.
Before our anniversary date on Sunday, we all put in a good morning's work. My big job was chopping thistles (i.e. digging them out by the root with a shovel) while Rick and Brian got a truck and trailer full of oak.
After that, we cleaned up and headed to the coast, singing along to songs from our much younger years. That began because an anniversary 'theme song' had popped into my head – my brain does that at random times – so I had to look it up on YouTube and play it:
That led to a string of Journey songs (and reading up on Steve Perry – one talented dude!) and then others. It was fun!
Our destination was The Bay House, one of only three AAA 4-Diamond restaurants in the state. One of Rick's clients works there, and she had recommended it. I think it was my first four-course dinner; very fancy, and very good. I wanted to take pictures of each lovely presentation but didn't want to look like a rube, so all you get is one photo taken through a lobby window and a surreptitious shot of some of the decorations the host sprinkled on our table.
After dinner we had hoped for a sunset stroll on the beach, but it was foggy, cool, and windy. Still, to me there are no bad days at the beach, so we watched the waves at Boiler Bay and took a little walk at Fogarty Creek State Recreation Area:
Brian did chores for us Sunday night, so it was Monday morning before I saw any animals besides the dogs. I immediately noticed that Bling was laying off by herself, which wasn't typical. I called to her, and she didn't talk back; hmm. By the time I finished chores she was standing, but in the same distant spot; something had to be wrong. I went into the wooded lot, scooped her up, and carried her outside the gate where the other two yearlings couldn't bother us. I could find no injuries but decided to put her in the lambing jug within the sheepfold where I could keep a close eye on her. She trotted soundly after me to the barn while I got her hay and water, which was encouraging. I did notice that an aluminum panel out in the wooded lot had been propped up against a tree; it had been laying on the ground. I texted Brian to ask if he had intervened in something involving the panel the night before. Boop has been butting Bling around a bit lately, so I wondered if she could have knocked Bling off her feet and gotten her cast. He texted back that he didn't rescue anyone. Hmm again; he was the only one who could have propped that panel up.
By that night, Bling had deteriorated, and I called Rick down to look at her. He noticed that her left pupil was dilated and unresponsive, indicating neurological trauma, and gave her drugs to hopefully help. Had Boop's butting escalated, exacerbated by the size difference? And what about that panel?
The next morning she was critical, and I called Rick, who was already out on calls, to come back home. We gave her IV fluids and DMSO, and I checked on her every hour (in between getting ready for my mom to arrive that night and a horse show the next morning), petting her, talking to her, and praying over her. But it was too late to reverse the effects of whatever trauma she had experienced; my sweet bottle baby – last year's miracle lamb – died that afternoon. 😢😢😢
But I had to carry on. My mom arrived that night for a busy ten-day visit, in part because she wanted to see me show Stella. (For that we had to leave at 5:00 a.m. Wednesday morning; fortunately, Rick was able to pick her up from the airport Tuesday night while I worked.) But I did take time Friday morning for some grief therapy, cuddling with Bling's mom and twin siblings from this year, along with Bree who shares the barn stall with them.
The next day, another shock. Sabbath afternoon after church and dinner, I walked down to the barn to check hay and water levels. On my way, I saw a raccoon scuttling across the wooded lot. Remembering that I had heard a lot of chicken squawking from the house a bit earlier, I hurried towards the chicken house. Sure enough, one of my old Blue Wyandottes, freshly killed, lay in the enclosed run. Based on the form I saw hurrying away, I'm pretty sure a hungry mother nursing kits was the source of the first predation we've experienced here, so I've discouraged my guys' inclination to hunt her down. Instead, the hens are under tighter security, and so far, no more have become dinner.
This week started somewhat quieter, and then ramped up as I prepared to pick up my new ram lamb on Thursday. Sanson joined Bridger in one half of the Ram-ada Inn, with Broadway and Boop still free to come and go to the other side. That's a larger 'quarantine group' than I was planning, but after Bling's tragedy, I was afraid to move Boop back in with the ewes and lambs for fear she might bash someone else.
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Bridger on his way to the Ram-ada, with the yearling ewes (and naughty Leo) |
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"Where's my mama???" |
Friday Mom and I left for the airport at 3:45 a.m.; after dropping her off I went to work since I hadn't gone to the office the day before, then came home and crashed for awhile. I am so thankful for this day of rest God gave us; tomorrow will be another busy, busy day!
And so it goes at . . .
Oh no. I'm so sorry about Bling and I'm so sad that last year's miracle had such a short life. Glad, however, that you had a wonderful anniversary. Congratulations! Sounds like you've gotten some time in with your mom - always a gift (how I miss mine . . . ), and also that there has been another show for Stella. Hope it went well - and that she did well :-)
Thanks for leaving a comment, A. After over 50 views with no comments, I was beginning to wonder if one of those glitches in Blogger had disabled them! Yes, I had a good, long visit with Mom and some things accomplished there, and Stella and I did better at this show than the last (and my dressage blog is even more backlogged).
I am so sorry :'-(. I'm glad you had a nice anniversary and visit with your mom. Looking forward to some show pictures and story!
Oh, that's so sad about Bling!! You both did everything you could to help, and I'm sorry there wasn't a better outcome.
I love all your beach photos/videos and am glad you got to get away for your anniversary.
I don't know where to start - congratulations on 39 years of marriage (yay you!) or condolences for losing Bling. It's always hard, but tougher when it's unexpected and unexplained.
I wish you a good visit with your Mom! I gather that your show is done? I hope it went well.
Our animals build us up, but they also tear at our hearts sometimes. Our human logical brain understands this, but at times like you're experiencing it also shows our hearts are deeply empowered. Be strong in spirit. Cheers
Michelle, I'm so sorry about what happened to Bling! It's always sad to lose an animal, but when it happens like that, it's even worse.
Congratulations on your 39th anniversary! What a blessing! Where is the Bay House restaurant? I've never heard of it. It sounds really nice!
Your pictures are, as always, very enjoyable to look at. I've already gone through them more than once this morning since I found your new post. Sanson is really a handsome guy. I hope he'll be good for breeding. I'm guessing that it'll be a bit frustrating, to only be able to breed him to one ewe this year, but I understand your reasoning.
I'm happy for you that you were able to have your mother with you for ten days! Another blessing!
Sara, I didn't get a SINGLE photo from the show! 😫 Me, my mom, and a friend didn't think to, and none of the show photographer's were wonderful (but they WERE expensive).
Thanks for your sympathy, Mokihana. I wish we'd thought to treat her sooner, but she didn't seem too poorly at first.
Like I said, Leigh, all kinds of highs and lows to report. Yes, the show was on Wednesday, the 14th, the first day of a five-day Morgan show.
They keep breaking my heart, Tim, but I don't think I could live without animals!
Jeanne, The Bay House used to be on the south end of Lincoln City but moved to the Inn at Salishan in Gleneden Beach at some point. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos; did you make it to BSG?
So very sorry to read about Bling and your loss of the hen. It doesn't matter how big or small they are, losing our livestock is always so wrenching. So mysterious about the panel. Congratulations on your anniversary milestone. Thanks for asking about us - we have been fine and the fires have not been near us. My parents live in Halifax, much closer to the fires, but they were not in the immediate area and didn't have to evacuate. I think the fires are out here in the Atlantic region - we have had days and days of rain and it's a muddy, miserable mess for the chickens. But it was a blessing for the firefighters. Fires are still raging in the central parts of Canada. We have luckily avoided the poor air quality warnings - perhaps a benefit of living fairly near the ocean where there is almost always a good breeze. I can't bear to think about all the affected wildlife this year. So very sad.
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