We are being touched by the winter blast hitting most of the country. Temperatures dropped into the low 20s Wednesday night with a wind-chill of 10°; freezing rain/sleet arrived yesterday afternoon. This morning our world was white with the stuff, slick and treacherous. Rick and Brian had to chain up to get out and about and home today.
I've stayed busy with the extra schlepping required to support the animals and keep the house warm. (It's supposed to warm up and rain tomorrow, so it wasn't worth hauling out the extension cords and tank heaters.) I've been breaking ice for the horses, swapping out frozen buckets and waterers for sheep and hens, thawing the hummingbird feeder, putting out black oil sunflower seeds, and stoking the fire.
Without the bitter wind, the dogs have been able to go to the barn with me today. If I hadn't been so focused on staying upright, I would have tried to get video of them romping around with enthusiasm, slipping and sliding like cartoon characters. I did get some photos of Leo out in the pasture, enjoying an icy stem:
Ever since he and Gracie arrived, I've called Leo "Ice Man" for his color and pale eyes – and in the beginning, his emotional distance. Distant no more, he has a home for the holidays – and the rest of his days; yesterday Rick finally said we can adopt him.
Merry Christmas to all of us, to all of you!
Congrats Leo, you have a wonderful forever home!
It's been nippy and very windy here, thankfully no power loss. Critters were bedded deep, are getting extra food plus have heat lamps (electric company loves me). Wishing you and yours a blessed holiday season!
WI - Dee
So glad you still have power for you and the animals! I'm sure your temperatures are much more dangerous than ours. Merry Christmas!
What a merry Christmas for Leo! Now Poppy has a forever friend to romp with and burn off her energy. A good playmate! Happy Holidays to you and yours, Michelle.
Happy that Leo will be staying :-) He's a great Christmas present!
Wishing you joy and love on this day :-)
We are all pretty happy, Mama Pea. The dogs, and the humans they are entertaining! Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mama Pea!
A, I told Rick that keeping Leo would be present enough for me, and he took me seriously. 😉 Love and joy (and health!) to your, too!
I just found this post today! Nothing like being a week late! So glad to find it, and to learn than Leo, the Ice Man will be staying! It's so nice that he and Poppy are doing so well together. Also that the family is enjoying him. He has such beautiful eyes! The bell collar is cute!
We had that same kind of weather, with the temps in the low 20s. It warmed up, and now the prediction is for the cold again. Brrr!
The frost is so lovely on the trees and other things. What are the tiny red berries in the second picture?
Happy New Year, Michelle! I pray that all will go well for you and your family in this new year!
Hi Jeanne, and Happy New Year to you and yours as well! The red berries are on my nandina bushes (also known as heavenly bamboo, although not a true bamboo).
Wasn't that cold something else!! I'm glad you didn't lose power. And you're protected from the east wind that rips down the Gorge, too. Your photos are great... happy new year!
This post makes me SOSOSOSO happy. Leo in his forever home.
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