Mind you, Poppy LOVES to roam around outside, smelling smells, digging digs, and running runs. But once she comes INside, she is a big fan of the wood-burning insert, and has taken to jumping up on the hearth to 'bake' herself. 😊
On Sunday we celebrated Brian's birthday. Just in case you don't know which number:
I found those huge fresh organic raspberries at Costco after agility class last Thursday, and couldn't resist. We added a lot more of them to our individual slices of cheesecake. 😋 Rick and Brian picked up my MIL to celebrate with us, and help decorate the Christmas tree afterwards. I didn't get Russian teacakes done, but the Rosemary Slices I made were very well-received.
And here is our tree in all its glory from outside last night and inside:
On Friday I put up some year-round decorations:
These cute signs were a birthday gift from a friend of mine.
Spot has had three weeks to romance his girls, and I think he was getting a little bored. The other day when I turned the non-breeding flock out they all lined up at the gate. Strange; why aren't they grazing? I heard some rustling in the woods, and turned around to 'See Spot Run.' Worried that he was harassing unreceptive ewes, I walked over to investigate, and realized I read the wrong title. It should have been 'See Spot BOUNCE!'
It was such a hoot to watch a three-year-old RAM sproing around like a lamb!
Hopefully there will be some little Spots bouncing around here come late next spring.
In the meantime, the boys will hang with the boys and the girls will hang with the girls. Last night I shuffled sheeple around to that effect, and Spot got his second CDT shot. His breeder doesn't vaccinate, but tetanus is a bigger threat around here because of the horses. Now Spot is protected from that potentially deadly infection . . . but the wethers aren't protected from an amorous ram.
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"Why? Why do we have to live with HIM???" |
There have been some pretty skies and sunrises recently. The first two photos below were taken during a late afternoon ride down the road on Lance; the second two are two recent sunrises.
That's it for now from . . .
Wow! That sunrise is definitely a moment to pause and praise! Thanks! Great birthday cake... my favorite kind of cake! Have a spiffy week!
Yes, sunrises and sunsets are frequent 'reset buttons' here. Brian waffled between homemade German chocolate cake and cheesecake, but in the end I got off light – ha!
Happy Birthday to Brian! So hard to believe he's 19 already. Where do the years go to?!?
Love the Spot video. It's so fun to see adults behaving like they're little guys again. I love it when my goats do the same. Breeding season seems to bring it out in them!
Your tree is absolutely beautiful! And so nice you included a doggie shelf in front of your heater. So considerate of you! lol
Beautiful home and tree, Michelle. Love the "bouncing ram" video. My friend has 7 winter lambs and usually I go for some lambie cuddles, but with the pandemic, pandemicking wildly in our county right now, I guess it won't happen this year.
Michelle, it was good to get your blog!
I cracked up at Spot doing his goofing off! So cute! I've never seen an adult drop that.
Happy Birthday to Brian! The cakes was beautiful with those monster raspberries!
Your photos are lovely. God does such beautiful work!
Have a wonderful week!
P.S. I get so frustrated when the tablet decides to change my spelling! I should have done a better job of proofreading!
That Spot video ... what a hoot!!
Hard to believe that Brian is 19. Wow! As usual, lovely photos :-) Will Spot be staying with you or is he just here for breeding season?
Brian is older, Leigh, but we're still waiting on 'wiser' – ha! Maybe Spot is celebrating; this IS his first breeding season, after all.
I know the reality isn't funny, Fran, but I love your term "pandemicking wildly"! Better to be safe; there will be lambs another year.
No problem, Jeanne; I knew what you meant. Glad you enjoyed the post!
Elaine, it was great fun to watch, and I'm glad I captured it so I can watch it again and again.
A, this is Spot's new home, and I'm thrilled to have him!
I think I could hear organ music triumphantly playing when that second sunrise picture of yours appeared. Wow! Enjoyed your whole post, as usual.
Happy birthday Brian! No wonder he looks like a man; he is one!! Oh to have the space for a gorgeous tree like yours. Our tree would make Charlie Brown proud :-)
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