The new friend who went with me to BSG came over with her husband Sunday night; we spun together while our husbands talked wood-turning (her husband is Rick's turning mentor). She worked on mastering her Jenkins spindle; I pulled out my old friend Miss Maple, my HansenCrafts miniSpinner, and finally finished plying the Jacob I spun during last year's TdF. I figured if I was going to have any chance of spinning up 8 oz. of alpaca fluff during this year's TdF, Miss Maple would have to join my team! Meanwhile, my new horn spindle is amassing a fat 'getting to know you' turtle; we'll start afresh for TdF.
Gatsby made it all the way back to Kauai, the (is)land of his birth, on Monday. We kept him as a favor to an old friend, my first after moving to Oregon almost 29 years ago, and through that process I got better acquainted with my friend's husband and daughter (Gatsby's 'girl'). I got photos when he was picked up Sunday afternoon, and my friend sent me photos after he arrived home (where he got a new bed, a new ball – and a bath).
The flower show is picking up a bit around here. A special geranium that I put in my urn planter out front was getting regularly savaged by deer, so I bought a calibrachoa to tuck in the pot, too. Two of my three other daylily varieties are joining Stella D'Oro, and the lavender is starting purple up.
I took a walk with a co-worker on Monday, and noticed these HUGE magnolia(?) blooms on trees just outside our office. The trees themselves aren't very attractive and the flowers aren't positioned to draw attention, which is apparently why they have escaped my notice until now.
When we decided to not go to Cowboy Campmeeting this year, Rick suggested a backpacking trip. I demurred, much to his displeasure, but his mom agreed to go so he's recovered most of his good humor. He and Brian have been getting ready, which always includes buying more stuff, including a one-man tent so Brian could have his own space. I will happily hold down the fort alone, even though that includes making Texas sheet cake for 75 on Sunday morning. 😳
Last night Rick needed to make one more run to REI for backpacking supplies and asked me to go with him. I warned him that it might cost him, and sure enough, I found a pair of Teva/Ahnu walking/hiking shoes that feel like heaven. Afterwards we tried the nearby Cafe Yumm for supper; Rick said it was "okay" but I really liked the food.
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All vegetarian! |
And finally, this Independence Day, I urge you to go to Retired Knitter's blog and read the FACTS she shared about immigration. Despite what many loud, angry voices want you to believe, the vast majority of would-be immigrants today come here for the same reasons that most immigrants have always come to our shores – including long before they were "our" shores – for freedom from violence, religious persecution, starvation, displacement. That includes your relatives and mine, folks. Unless you are 100% Native American, like Gatsby's "dad" David, pictured above, you don't the right to say 'we' have exclusive rights to this land. (And I love the quote ending in "what the hell is it you DO for a living?!?")
That's it for now from . . .
Those new shoes you got at REI look soooo comfy!
Your house has got to feel like someone (!) is missing since Gatsby went home. He looks happy, but will probably have doggie dreams about missing you.
Dare I suggest this whole immigration situation is being handled by people who aren't exhibiting one ounce of compassion or common sense?
Enjoy your "vacation" while your boys are gone. :o}
They are so far, Mama Pea, and if they prove otherwise, REI has a great return policy. Dare you suggest? I think we should dare to say it to everyone who will listen! I've talked to a few people like co-workers who appear thoughtful afterwards, so maybe some minds can be changed. But when they make a habit of listening to those with no compassion or common sense, it affects them!
I like those shoes. How's the arch support? I got crazy feet. I may have to check out REI.
You are going to miss that Gatsby! He looked like a wonderful dog.
Oh my, land of the Killer Magnolia's! Glad the pooch made the trip without a hitch. Flying
animals is a hit or miss prospect these days. Love the shoes!
Thank you for that link - there is nothing better than well-researched, well-written information. Too bad there's so little of it in comparison to the sound bites of mis-information we are blasted with on a continual basis. I am so glad that Gatsby made it safely home. You were such a good foster mom. And HURRAY for a boy-break! :) I see much knitting and riding and good things coming up...
RK, the arch support is great (I need it), the toe box is shaped perfectly, and the cushion is fab! Keen has been my go-to brand for comfort for years, but I got some Teva dress sandals at REI two years ago that are the most comfortable heels (such as they are) I've ever had so decided to try these on. So glad I did!
Theresa, I was worried about Gats flying, and made David promise to let me know how he did on the other side. So happy he made it safely; now I can only hope he's happy. :-/
I am not a fan of DST and find it onerous to say the least. By the time I get inside, it's 8 p.m. and I still have to tend to my needs. My small treat of sitting, checking e-mail or reading, means I'm up until late...not a good thing for someone who rises early.
Re the situation where children are being ripped from their mother's arms... it's far worse when they are ripped from their mother's wombs and then sold piece meal. I've had it up to my eyebrows with liars, cheats, thieves, hypocrites and the left. If they think Socialism is all that good, I suggest they move, post haste, to Venezuela where they can experience it first hand.
Michelle, if I'm overboard, feel free to delete my post. I trust you.
Sandra, you are welcome to voice your opinion here, but you need to explain from a Biblical standpoint HOW it is far worse to rip babies from the womb than it is to rip them from their mothers’ arms. And you need to prove the refugees’ children AREN’T being sold, as well as proving that the unborn ARE.
As for hypocrisy, that is what I’d label far too many Christians for preaching love but practicing hate, for excusing the present administration and lawmakers for doing the very things they railed against their opponents for doing, and for acting like “the ends justify the means”, for that is NOT a Godly principle!
Susan, you're welcome. I don't know how much fun I'll have; #1 on the list is defrosting the upright freezer. :-/ Plus, Lance has issues; will update my horse blog ASAP.
At the risk of making things worse on Michelle's blog (not my intent) I might add my take on some of the comments made here regarding immigration (since my blog post was referenced.)
Sandra, I think it is a dangerous practice to characterize any group of people as "liars, cheats, thieves, hypocrites and the left" as if there exists another group of people who don't have any of those types in their ranks. I am a registered Independent - because of that very fact. Both sides of this government have their problems. To group all the people on the 'left' as liars, cheats, thieves and hypocrites is as bad as saying ALL of the 'right' supports and behaves as badly as our current President. Just not so.
With regards to 'ripping children' from their mothers: there is a slight (but important) difference in what is happening here. Abortion takes place with the mother's consent and at her request, generally. And it is legal within our laws. Right or wrong, it is with consent and legal. I am against abortion for myself but make that choice ONLY for myself. I guess that make me Pro-choice. (I hate those terms by the way.) With this immigration issue, children are being taken from their parents without consent. EVERYONE agrees that is a terrible thing. Even some who generally support this action ... when questioned - hem and haw before they agree it is ok to take the kids. To me that says - they really don't agree but they back the President regardless of whatever action he takes (who, by the way, was forced to change that practice by the outcry of the majority against it.). And remember, many of the immigrants in this crisis came to 'our front doors' asking for help legally (not secretly and illegally somewhere else on the border.). Coming through immigration check points IS NOT illegal. There is no valid or humane reason for taking their children.
I am not including any references to religion in my comments. Religion is different things to different people. I believe there are good Christian and Jewish and Muslim and Atheist people on both sides. But the law applies to us all equally. Should some laws be changed? Probably.
My opinion only. If I misunderstood anyone's position in the previous comments - I apologize.
Thanks for chiming in, RK!
Jean, the brand is Ahnu by Teva, the model is Sugarpine II Air Mesh.
Great post Michelle - I am 100% on board with your comments (and those of Retired Knitter) regarding immigration. It's a sensitive topic for me, having lived in the US for 9 years as a legal immigrant. Those magnolia blooms are just glorious - the petals look velvety soft. I hope they had a wonderful fragrance.
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