A good rest is, too often, sorely underrated. I've heard people say, with some degree of pride, they sleep only a few hours a night. I think, "How sad!" A good sleep is the backbone of my life...lol.
I'm a homeschooling, horse training, animal loving, garden growing, part-time business running, spinning and knitting shepherd who loves the Great Shepherd.
Dozer does an amazing tree frog! I still appreciate my favored stuffy, after all these years.
Bulldogs do 'comfort' best.
"Comforting" post! ;o}
I still have my old stuffed tiger (and I mean flippin' old, like 53 years old) so it's sweet to see his bear.
A good rest is, too often, sorely underrated. I've heard people say, with some degree of pride, they sleep only a few hours a night. I think, "How sad!" A good sleep is the backbone of my life...lol.
Love all those Comforting pictures!!! They all look so cute especially sweet Dozer:)
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