A lot has happened in the past week, and I have been too short of time, inspiration, and temper to compose posts along the way. In a nutshell: the iris show of last week has almost petered out; the weather has swung from unusually hot and dry to below average and wet to normal for this time of year; family has come and gone; and the never-ending battle of wills continues with the teenager.
I just saw this late blooming surprise today |
Meanwhile, the white flags in the island bed are taking center stage |
while the little Stella de Oro daylily plays a supporting role. |
Monday evening was our homeschool co-op's year-end program and 8th grade graduation ceremony. My dad drove in on Friday for the event, so was also here to attend part of the Pathfinder Fair Brian participated in on Sunday. It was bittersweet, as these events likely mark the end of our involvement with both the co-op and Pathfinders (a church youth organization, similar to co-ed Scouts). However, Brian is not quite done with his 8th grade subjects, so schoolwork continues . . . and may continue through the summer in the form of repeating two core subjects that he is not successfully completing. Oh joy.
But wait; there's more!
This morning we were up early so Rick could take his mother to a doctor's appointment before driving to northern California for continuing education. On the way he hit a deer with my car; it's drivable, but will need to go to an auto body shop to repair the damage after he returns.
The fun just never ends at . . .
A busy, and not-always-fun-filled week. I hope you find some equilibrium, and time for yourself soon. I'm glad the car incident was not worse for Rick. I suppose it ended badly for the deer (sad face) but it could have been worse. Take care of all of youyrselves. I believe teenagers do improve with age, but I've not had kids, so what do I know?!
Ah yes, deer and vehicles colliding are not uncommon occurrences in our area either. Even though Rick suffered no injury, having to get the car repaired is always a time-consuming nuisance.
Have you made a decision regarding changing the home schooling situation for your muckling-thru-those-awful-teenage-years offspring yet?
Thank-you, Alison. I DO take time to ride my horse every day or few, and that helps. (And I, too, felt very sad for the deer.)
We THOUGHT we'd made a decision on school next year, Mama Pea, but the outcome of this school year may change our minds.
Boy, the hits do just keep on coming for you this spring Michelle. Big sympathetic hugs. Tell Rick he could have called for help, we're right on the border with CA, so if he runs into trouble on the return trip keep us in mind.
As to the boy child, you're on your own. Maybe a different schooling experience will motivate. Good luck.
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