Love the contrasts of color and texture – delicate flowers and hard surfaces – in these images.
Love watching the quickening of my Japanese maples and deck roses.
Love this expression of my own hope.
All of this is good distraction from bad politics. I think of this as the year that decency died. The candidates who have talked in the most calm, rational, and reasonable voices (regardless of party or platform) have received the least support, and those who act and speak in ways that would get my son grounded until he is 18 have the most support. People may be angry, but the Good Book says, "In your anger do not sin." Oh yeah; a few verses later it states, "Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.... Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (taken from Ephesians 4:26-32) I am embarrassed that all those nasty campaigners claim to be Christians!
Back to my distractions at . . .
Yes, there are many who are doing nothing but continuing to give politics and politicians a bad name. It is truly disgusting.
Your spring-like pictures are a breath of fresh air for us still covered in snow and fighting the dreaded ice!
I try not to listen or look. Overload to be sure. Wolves in sheep's clothing. God Bless us one and all. We most certainly do need it.
Beautiful pics Michelle, looks like spring is truly ready to bust out in your neck of the woods!
Politics today, when I'm not appalled I'm downright scared.
The last few presidential election cycles have left me so disillusioned. And this upcoming year promises to be worse than all the previous ones, I fear. I find it embarrassing. No other word for it.
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