Knit from surprisingly soft, and cozy-warm, Browning handspun |
After being a no-show last year, it was with great satisfaction that I finished my Christmas letter today. I also finished up these mitts for my aunt in Texas, so I can mail them off with Christmas greetings tomorrow on our way to pick up Rick from the airport. Hopefully the weather will improve for that drive. While it is sunny and has actually gotten into the 30s today up here on the hill, I hear there is freezing fog in the valley
(which I see now is trying to creep over us, below).
The other night I turned on the TV. Oregon Public Broadcasting was airing the
John Denver Rocky Mountain High: Live in Japan concert, and nostalgia nearly swamped me. Oh my. I had to upload
The Essential John Denver to iTunes so I could wallow in it any time I want. Am I the only one who chokes up over Matthew, or Calypso, or Annie's Song? What artist, or music, evokes that kind of response in you?
Goodbye Again, from . . .
Beautiful fingerless mitts oh crafty one, you've got some nifty spinning going on too I see from the previous post.
Nostalgia music..hmm, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Peter Paul and Mary and anything old Motown! I can leave the angst of teen years and the 70's alone. ;)
be safe, there's an Arctic Clipper headed across the country.
Only got to 32 here today, but I wrestled hoses anyway (successfully!). I want to knit, but I need to fix the toilet...
I was watching the commercial for Time Warner CD's the other night and thought how nice it was to watch artists that could sing and preform without all the flashing lights and pirotechnics to disguise their lack of talent we are exposed to these days.
duh, forgot to comment on how much I like the mitts, good job, think I will add fingerless mitts to my bucket list.
Beautiful mitts, your Aunt in Texas will love them.
I miss John Denver too... and kids today don't even know who he was. I've always loved your pictures, Michelle.
I had a roommate from Colorado who was absolutely smitten with John Denver! Had a hugs portrait poster of him staring at her all the time. I did like some of his music, just not like she did! But, I do know what you mean about being wrapped in nostalgia by certain music. Stay warm!!!!
Your mentioning John Denver brought back a flood of nostalgia. I also like Bread.
Safe travels to PDX! I heard the Wilsonville area is a bear this morning.
Theresa, you old rocker, you. ;-)
I don't think that Arctic Clipper is reaching us, Sandra (at least I HOPE not!); we're supposed to warm up to the 40s. Freezing fog here this morning, though!
I've been going the electric tea kettle and bucket method here, Laura.
That was certainly true of John Denver, Audrey. Just talent and a golden voice….
Thanks, Sandy!
My 12-year-old son does, Mary Ann!
Well of course, FFG; she was from Colorado! ;-)
No wonder we are kindred spirits, Wanda. I'm hoping it warms up as promised; freezing fog here this morning.
I didn't appreciate John Denver's music until recent years...apparently my tastes have mellowed. Now his music is lovely to my ears.
I love the knitted mitts and you are certainly not the only one who loves John Denver. It was that period in our young lives when we wanted to make the world a better place and were sure we had the answers! :D
Now I have to go look for that music as well!!! I also have the same feelings about Gordon Ligthfoot!! :D
Hugs and stay warm my sweet blogging sister,
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