Saturday, January 12, 2013

Still feeding on beauty

Much of yesterday was spent in the kitchen baking, with an eye on the birdfeeder – definitely "beauty as well as bread." I'm not a food photographer, but did capture a few bird shots through the window. Considering that I used maximum zoom through a dirty pane, I'm amazed at how well they turned out!

Was trying to capture the brilliant red finch;
didn't realize at the time I also captured a chickadee on the left!
This morning, an even heavier frost left diamonds scattered underfoot. (Click to biggify.)

That's it for today from . . .


thecrazysheeplady said...

Nice! What kind of bird Is that?

Michelle said...

The first three photos are of an "Oregon" junco, the Pacific Northwest's variety of the dark-eyed junco. And yes, I've sold some prints before; email me at the link shown on the right (and thanks for asking!).

Michelle said...

See above, Sara; that's the Oregon junco. Very common here!

farmlady said...

The birds rely on us so much for the seed, suet and bread that we leave. As a "thank you" they let us take their pictures. Nice "quid pro quo" arrangement.
Your "diamonds scattered underfoot" are so beautiful. What a gift winter can be.

Mary Ann said...

Last week I saw a window feeder like that somewhere... How I wish I had bought it! I think it would be so neat to sit at the kitchen table and look up and out at the birds! Thanks for your neat pictures!