Anyway, it occurred to me in all this that I've never been an "ex" - except perhaps an ex-girlfriend to a few teenage boys that I dated but didn't commit myself to in any way, shape, or form. I'm not an ex-wife, or an ex-(insert your denomination or belief system). Sure, there are things I once was and am no longer, such as a child and a student, but those aren't states from which you can sever yourself (unless you drop out of school, I suppose). While my life as a child of divorce has not always felt stable, I'm beginning to realize that my life really has been stable, for which I am thankful.
In a GIANT leap in subject matter, below are the latest irises to open in our iris bed. I stroll by this long crescent every day, enjoying the fragrance and exquisite, intricate beauty of these regal flowers. Before we moved here, I didn't even know irises were scented!

That's it for now at . . .