We did indeed pick up Jackson today; at the moment he's asleep at my feet under the table. No wonder! First, the breeder picked up Jackson from her son's this morning (he actually owns Calli, the dam, but is out of town until tonight) and took him back to her house, away from his mom and littermates for the first time. Then she gave Jackson his first puppy shot (he was supposed to get it several days ago). We showed up and took him away from the last shred of the familiar. When we got him home after a long truck ride (during which his preferred place was on the back of the back seat, the closest he could get to what he was leaving -- sniff!), we brought Jackson inside (another new experience, and warmer than he is used to). Brian wanted to hold him, then set the puppy on the couch beside him and let him fall off, not realizing how fragile puppies are. Jackson limped rather dramatically for a bit, favoring his right front leg -- making me want to throttle the boy-child! Brian is going to be bringing out that impulse in me a lot in the near future, I'm afraid, as he hasn't a clue about young puppies and doesn't want to listen to those who DO have a clue. It's going to be an intense month, what with puppy-training and child-training on top of out-of-town company and holiday happenings. But Jackson is already starting to play a bit with his new toys and Brian, and I know this special dog is going to be worth it, all the way around.
And so, without further ado and commentary, here are more of the photos you have been clamoring for -- the first of many, I'm sure! :-)

That's it for now from . . .
Oh Michelle - too totally cute for words. Aren't puppies and kittens just the greatest!
I think you have made a great choice.
Enjoy him.
How precious! I especially love the photo with the back legs all the way out straight. Do you know my 7 year old lab still does that!
I am chuckling and wondering what this first night away will be like for Jackson AND you! Sounds like you're going to have a lot on your plate!
Be still my beating heart! Oh, my, he makes me want 10 of the cuties but then I remember that whole budget and mess part of it all.
Breathe in LOTS of puppy breath for me and see if a little will blow this way. Delicious!
What a cutie! He sure looks like his dad! Poor little feller, its always such an adjustment when they leave their mom and siblings. He will be fine though, just will take a bit of time. When I brought my first collie puppy home (my beloved Hanna), she did the same thing as Jackson--much to my dismay. She tried to crawl over my shoulder to 'go home' for the first fifty miles. After that though she settled in very quickly.
Take care and enjoy. Remember---this time will pass quickly even when you want to scream!
I love the picture with him and Brian lying on the floor :)
Since we got our aussie, I have learned a few things; one, aussies are very different from other dogs. They actually dont learn like other dogs, so I would respecfully suggest you get a book on them. Two, they love to 'den'. Many aussie owners have dog cages with blankets over them, pillows and favorite toys inside, so the dog can cozy up comfortably. My daughter has a chair in her room with a blanket draped over it and a dog pillow under, that is where he sleeps. Otherwise, he is under my table, under my husbands recliner, or behind it.
Also, if you are interested there is a yahoo list, http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/AustralianShepherds/, good support here.
Jackson is a beautiful pup :)
The photo with the the puppy and your son on the floor is SO DANG CUTE!!! Its being saved to my PC as we speak!!
ps. he LOOKS really stressed :) LOL
A boy and his dog~ You puts tears in my eyes and I'm sure I'm not the only one. What wonderful Christmas memories you are making!
Very CUTE!! Little boys and puppies just go together!!
I love how his little puppy tongue is hanging out in the first picture (under the table) What a cute cute baby pup. Congratulations. And tell Brian and Jackson that their blog fans are going to want to see lots of photos of how awesome they are.
AWww, he is just as cute as he can be!
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