Friday, August 03, 2007

Don't turn your back on the zucchini!

I checked the garden this morning, and found FOUR big zucchini lurking among the leaves. Not as big as the aforementioned "baseball bats," though, so they will still be good eating. Also picked two smaller zucchini, two cucumbers and a yellow crookneck squash. Hmmm, I think I will make zucchini lasagna (substituting zucchini sliced lengthwise for the noodles) for church potluck tomorrow.

Last night I did chores for Rick, who tweaked his back yesterday somehow. Afterwards, I spent some time loving on each of the six sheep (with extra attention lavished on the lambies, of course). It was another happy dirty-finger session. :-) Rechel's and Bella's faces are getting blacker again, changing with the seasons as my Ag grey sheep do. (Darker looks better on them than the summer "faded" look, in my opinion.)

Off to pick the green beans at . . .


shepherdchik said...

Don't forget the zucchini bread!!

Michelle said...

Nah, that's only for those past-their-prime, baseball-bat zucchinis -- shred 'em and hide 'em in a lot of flour, sugar and fat!

Lauren Dorsee Dillon said...

For once, I am not envious of your harvest! I'll have to mark this day on my calendar (although the zucchini lasagna sounds intriguing I have to admit).

Now green beans... yum!