Woke up after a deliciously sound sleep to a light dusting of snow this morning, much to my surprise. Perhaps it was forecast, but who has time to watch the news?!? The last time I heard a weatherperson, s/he was saying the snow level wouldn't drop this low. Oh well; it's all gone now.
It was so nice to go to the barn this morning and do chores again. I hadn't been down there since gravel was delivered; we're going to use this to level up the front of the sheep pen. When that's done, the flock can unite! In the meantime, a layer of gravel has converted the walkway on the right to a useable access instead of a muddy otter slide.

Like Lauren, whose blog I enjoy, I find that taking care of my critters is soothing to the soul. I don't volunteer to do chores in the evening, too, because I have other things I MUST do sometime, and if my husband is going to insist on keeping two horses that he hardly ever rides, HE can scoop at least half the POOP! (Ahem. Excuse me. Now, back to the zen of chore-doing.) I loved on the cats and one pair of sheep, turned the other two girls out (Rick didn't get to that the two mornings he did chores), gave my horse his weekly glucosamine shot, and basked in the quietude. It would have been lovely to stay longer, but a little boy and lot of graphics and housework needed my attention.
That's it for now at . . .

1 comment:
Hooray! Progress and you got some time to yourself! Yay! (Not that you don't like to spend time with Rick & Brian, but I know how much you've needed this)
I will ask "The Guru" about the blog notices and i answered your post about the mice-critters. :)
Have a great evening, Friend. I know you need a quiet one for a change.
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