Yesterday we woke up to big, fat snowflakes blowing sideways on a strong wind. If the temp had been a few degrees lower, it would have been a blizzard! Instead it was just windy, cold and sloppy most of the day. But we did get our reward -

Today we woke up to an inch or more of snow, even though my iris think it's spring.

This shot was taken on my way home from Amity this morning, looking up at the backside of the hill we live on. Notice the valley is green but there is snow above 500 feet. That's fairly common here in the winter.

The only new flowers to bloom on our place this month were the crocus. I planted some at the front of the house under a little Japanese maple. The yellow ones bloom first, and continue through the arrival of the white ones. The purple crocus bloom last, and by then the yellow ones are looking pretty shabby. I posted a shot of a purple crocus bud in the snow earlier in February; here are the yellow and white crocus which came first. (And yes, there ARE a few blossoms on the candytuft, but they do that all winter so they don't count. When they REALLY bloom, I'll include them!)

That's it for now at . . .

We're having the same weather here. I've got to remember to enjoy it as I'm sure, before too long, I will be complaining about summer heat.
*sigh* Flowers....we're still under a heavy blanket of snow, and waiting anxiously for the day it hits 40 degrees so we can start tapping the maple trees...your pictures give me lots to look forward to...
Mmmm, REAL maple syrup -- one of my very favorite flavors! Every part of the country has its blessings, that's for sure.
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