Wednesday, January 23, 2013


1. A sudden hard stroke or hit, as with the fist or an object.
2. An unexpected shock or calamity.
3. An unexpected attack; an assault.

Feels like all of the above.

We've lost Whistlestop Bunker, my white ram. First noticed that he was "off" late Monday night when we got home from a meeting. By the time Rick was able to diagnose a blocked urethra this evening, his bladder had ruptured.

Bunker had Boulderneigh's "best fleece on the hoof" – superfine, super crimpy, super consistent, super length. I used him for the first time – the only time – in 2011 on two ewes, but just one settled. Bunker's sole legacy is Bing, a black wether with an awesome fleece who proved his daddy could throw color. I had hoped to use Bunker to produce fine, crimpy replacement ewes . . . he was a huge factor in my future goals.

Still reeling at . . .


Eusebia Blumenstengel said...

Guten Morgen ..
Oh no Michelle- I'm so sorry for your hard loss :-( And I'm sure: He's sitting on a wooly cloud now- being all smile and knowing there's something absolutely wonderful for you around the next corner for your future goals...
Wishing you a rainbow day today...
Ines/ E. Blumenstengel

melanie said...

I am so sorry....what a terrible situation. My heart goes out to you...

Theresa said...

Oh Michelle, I am so, so sorry. The loss to the breeding program is hard, but the personal loss goes even deeper. Big hugs.

Florida Farm Girl said...

I'm so sorry. Losing an animal that you care for is hard. Hugs.

thecrazysheeplady said...

Oh Michelle. {{{hug}}}

Sharrie said...

So sorry to read about your loss.

sylkan said...

Dear Michelle, I'm so very sorry you lost your special boy. They sure do leave footprints on the heart, don't they. His wonderful fleece should make something awesome for you to keep in his memory. Hugs, Sylvia

Kelly said...

My heart jumped while I was reading this, I know how that sort of loss feels and I'm so sorry Michelle. :( Aside from the blow to your breeding program, the emotional blow is so hard.
I'm sure you would have noticed something sooner had it been a less hardy breed of sheep, but our little Shetlands are so tough, you don't notice things until they are oftentimes beyond fixing.
My thoughts are with you my friend.

Tombstone Livestock said...

So sorry Michelle, not breeding him this year leaves you with no replacement from him either, such a hard loss.

Mama Pea said...

A terrible blow for you, indeed. I know you care for all of your animals so much, and this will be a real setback for you. Sending hugs.

Shiralyn said...

I am so sorry. I know you didn't breed this year, but was planning to do so next. Hopefully Bing can carry on for generations.

Tombstone Livestock said...

So sorry for you loss Michelle, and since you didn't breed this year, no chance for a replacement from him.

Lori Skoog said...

Sorry Michelle. It leaves you feeling hollow, doesn't it.

Angora Amora said...

So sorry Michelle. It's a hard thing to bare. Our hearts get so involved in our fiber animals. Each with their own personalities and traits we love. I know you will miss him. May the Lord still bless all your efforts in the future and comfort you now.

Anonymous said...

So sorry Michelle. It is always hard to lose an animal, especially a favorite.

Unknown said...

So sorry Michelle - {{{Hugs}}}

C-ingspots said...

I'm so sorry Michelle...

Mary Ann said...

Oh, Michelle, just read this. I'm so very sorry for you! Not just for the plans awry, but for the loss of a fine animal whom you cherished.

Unknown said...

Echoing all the others. Not just a loss of an animal, but a vision of the future; dreamed and nurtured and awaited. A sad thing.

A :-) said...

I'm so sorry. I had no idea something like this could happen so quickly.

Anonymous said...

Adding my condolences too. Laura told me the news this morning, and I know how much it hurts to lose one of our animal friends.

Karen said...

Indeed, very sorry. It never seems to get easier even when you gain experience with the animals...May you be comforted by the rest of your flock.

Anonymous said...

One of the hardest parts of having livestock... I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Oh Michelle, what a hard punch to the solar plexus. Just awful.

Tina T-P said...

Oh, so sorry to hear of your loss. It is always so hard to lose a quality animal. T.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh no I ma so dreadfully sorry to hear that your special boy has gone on to the rainbow very sad when you were so wishing to include him into your breeding is a great loss for Boulderneigh Farma and we wish we could comfort you somehow....please know how much we care....
XOXO Karla

Rose Fern said...

It's quite a loss losing an animal. I'm sorry...

Barbara Tibbetts Chace said...

Sending hugs Michelle.


Becky Utecht said...

Sorry for your loss Michelle.

Robbyn said...

Oh, man, so sorry, my friend!! :-(

Anonymous said...

Poor Bunker. So sorry, Michelle. that is really hard. I imagine it's tough to know right away how serious it when a sheep starts acting a little "off".

Claire MW said...

So sorry to read this post today. My heart goes out to you - I know how it feels to lose our 4 legged friends. Each one is so special. Sending you belated hugs. xo