A cute, two-part, sheepy "food form"! While suggestions for use include pancakes, cakes, pizza, marshmallow treats and gelatin, I imagine I will use it mostly for cookies, being the cookie monster that I am. The body form is 5 1/4 inches across, so it will make BIG cookies. I'm going to try it with the head cut out of the body, a head cut out and placed on top of the body, and a linzer-style sandwich cookie with a complete body on the bottom and a body with the head cut out on top (with the jam filling showing through the cut-out), dusted with powdered sugar. Don't know WHEN I'll find time to do all these, but I'm salivating already! If you have a really good rolled-dough cookie recipe that you think would be worthy of such special treatment, send me the recipe, okay?
That's it for now at . . .

How cute! :)
Oh, I think I NEED one of those! Please do let us know where it came from!
Here's the link to create your own "flock:" http://kingarthurflour.com/shop/list.jsp?term=Handled+Cookie+Cutter+-+Sheep
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