Sunday, September 04, 2022

Third taste of Fair; it was hot-hot-hot!

Thursday's taste of Fair was almost a one-dish meal of 'horsing around,' but afterwards Rick did take me to a food vendor he had found that makes an amazing 'bowl' with brown rice, kale, roasted vegetables, roasted tofu, and great sauces. I was too hot and worn out to feel hunger but knew I needed nourishment, and my taste buds perked right up and I enjoyed every bite. I haven't yet had my annual falafel pita sandwich; maybe I'll get that today.

As for the horse show, it was an adventure. A rather harrowing one, but as we came out okay on the other side of it, one I'm glad to have had.

First, I will say it again; it was JUST. TOO. HOT. Sunny and sweltering, especially to be schlepping gear, spending any time in a stuffy stable or indoor arena, and riding a horse decked out in full regalia. Second, as is par for the course, my horse was HOT. HOT. HOT. It is her nature; Stella is high-energy and high-tension. Third, the environment was CRAZY. Instead of each breed team showing separately as I was led to believe, ALL SIX breed teams were in the show arena at the same time – five Morgans, four Clydesdales, four mules, three Saddlebreds, and I think four each of Drum Horses and Gypsy Vanners. It was trial by fire for my inexperienced mare, to be in the ring with all those horses and flags, and all those people sitting high above, sometimes shouting and applauding. But she didn't melt down, she stayed between me and the ground, and she didn't let Team Morgan down, so objectives achieved. As icing on the cake, Team Morgan won first place!

None of my DH's phone photos turned out all that well (too dark and far away), but they're at least proof of participation. If the official photographer captured something good, maybe I'll spring for a print or two; we'll see when he gets them uploaded. But here is your third taste of Fair:

That's it for now from . . .


Marlane said...

Wow an amazing accomplishment for you and Stella.

Michelle said...

Thanks, Marlane!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Fair showing, with all the hoopla, is so different from a normal horse show with few horses ever getting that experience. Hats off to Stella and you, her trainer, it's obvious you're a team and she trusts you. I look forward to reading your next adventure. WI-D.

Leigh said...

Well done, Michelle! It's a tribute to your training. Stella is beautiful.

Mama Pea said...

You look good, girl! (Stella, too.) ;o)

eagle 1942 said...

What a great accomplishment for you and Stella in the heat and all the distractions. Congratulations to you both shows she has a lot of trust in you.

Wanda said...

Well done you and Stella!!!
That was a huge achievement given all the trying, unexpected - and for Stella, totally new conditions.

Your meal sounds really good! The only fair “food” I had this year was a Oregon Dairy shake, which was delicious.

Julie D. said...

I just want to let you know that my mom is a faithful reader. She is full-time caring for my dad who has Alzheimer's and reading your blog helps her maintain sanity. She is always telling me what you are up to. She loves your blog!

Michelle said...

Thanks, Donell! I don't know what our next showing adventure will be; we have a long way to go to create the harmonious, relaxed but forward picture that is dressage.

Thanks, Leigh. I call Stella my "Barbie doll" because she's such a looker (for which I can take no credit).

Ah shucks, Mama Pea!

eagle, I agree; Stella has come to have a lot of trust in me. I just wish she could RELAX in that trust!

Thank you, Wanda. What flavor of shake do you favor? I've had a raspberry and tasted marionberry, both delicious.

What a nice thing to hear, Julie; thank you for sharing that. Reading others' blogs helps keep ME sane, too. 😊

Anonymous said...


A :-) said...

Oh Yay!!! You two are a beautiful team :-)

Michelle said...

Thanks, 'anonymous'!

Aw shucks, A. 😊 (You know I only shared the most flattering photos, right???)