Monday, September 27, 2021


I've been taking the same pano shot (east to west, facing due south) for two weeks. As they say in the informercials: "Just add water!"

From the greening grass of home at . . .


Mama Pea said...

I've wished I had taken the time to do the same series of photos of our summer-dead lawn over the past month. From dead brown to spring green. What a little natural rain can do!

Florida Farm Girl said...


Michelle said...

You should see all the weeds sprouting in my GARDEN, Mama Pea! =:-O

It is a relief, Sue!

Jeanne said...

Oh that green looks sooo good! After the first rain we got, the weeds started growing right away! The lawn is trying to green up now, finally! We got 1.1" this week. I'm still holding my breath for my lace leaf maple to make a comeback. I don't want to lose it. It's about 25 years old now. It got pretty well fried when we had that awful heat wave.

It's supposed to be cool this week. I guess we'll see.

Enjoy your green!

Retired Knitter said...

These kinds of pictorial studies are fun.

Michelle said...

I hope your Japanese maple survives, Jeanne. I have a thread leaf maple in a pot on my deck that looked completed fried, but then got new growth on the tips of its branches – hurray!

Glad you enjoyed it, Elaine!

Donna said...

Love the progression. How smart of you to think of that.

wyomingheart said...

Now that is a perfect time lapse! Green is such a great gauge on our thumbs! Just sayin… the saving grace for me is always water, however. Lol !

Mokihana said...

What a difference a couple of days can make! It's like how Papa God can refresh our dry, thirsty, souls, isn't it?

thecrazysheeplady said...

I would love to do that sometime!

Michelle said...

With rain bound to come at some point, Donna, I knew that there would be transformation EVENTUALLY, so took that first photo.

There's no water like rainwater, is there, wyomingheart!

Yes, just like that, Mokihana. :-)

Aren't your pastures ALWAYS green, Sara?