Tuesday, February 02, 2021

It's a beautiful world (catch-up post #3)

I showed you our snowdrops early in January; the sarcococca bushes along the north side of our house followed suit shortly afterwards and are still perfuming the air.
A glorious sunrise:
These clouds arrested me on my way home from work one day:

My mare and a nearly full moon:
Handsome cat:
Solar light on snow:
I planted these pansies a week ago today, just in time for them to get covered by six inches of snow! They emerged relatively unscathed, although surely a little shocked.

Another arresting sight, this time a sunset on my way to agility class one evening:

And today I saw the first open daphne odora flowers:
That's it for now from . . .


Retired Knitter said...

You always get the most wonderful sky shows! I get none of that on my side of the country! Or at least in my location.

Mountaingmom said...

Gorgeous photos. We are buried in snow right now, but I saw crocus and jonquils beginning to emerge before it fell. It is too early to get pansy plants here yet. I had a pot self seed last year and I'm hoping they will emerge on their own soon.

Mama Pea said...

Like Retired Knitter, we're not in a location where we see the glorious sky shots you do. So I enjoy your photos to the hilt! Nice to see your emerging (and shivering?) blooms, too.

Michelle said...

I'm happy to share our skies, Elaine and Mama Pea!

Mountaingmom, I've had pansies in that pot that came back several years in a row, but they finally died out. It doesn't help that the deer come up practically to the front door and snack on them occasionally.

Jeanne said...

Lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing!

I'll send you an email in a little while, to tell you about my day yesterday.

wyomingheart said...

Excellent photos! Thank you for my Rock Star fix! He is sooo handsome!