Tuesday, April 02, 2013

April dawning

Yesterday morning's light was marvelous.

Oreo apparently wanted a better view.

After Brian and I finished morning chores, I decided to salvage Blake's neck wool. Before my Texas trip it was firmly attached; by the time I got back, he looked half-rooed! (I couldn't find any wool around his pen; either he was rubbing it off and then eating it, or his half-brother Browning was grazing on him.) From the looks of him I thought the fleece would come off more easily than it did, but he didn't seem to mind the pulling. I wasn't sure I was up to another rooing marathon, though, so after pulling a mid-side sample for micron testing, I left the rest for the shearer.
(That was a mistake; more on that tomorrow.)
Mid-side ON the sheep
Mid-side OFF the sheep

Love that polled noggin . . . along with his lovely fleece, and nice structure, and attractive head. ;-)

That's it for today from . . .


Thistle Cove Farm said...

Absolutely lovely fleece, Michelle!
Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm

Paradise Found Farmgirl said...

In your second picture, is that a woven electrified fence? I am interested in using something like that for a small flock of shetlands I am planning for and I would like to rotate their grazing.

Heather in PA

Michelle said...

No, that's no-climb horse wire, Heather. I've never used the woven electric fence and probably never will. It is quite an investment, and I've heard of it causing fatalities, which I've never experienced from the fencing I have.

Michelle said...

Thank-you, Sandra!

farmlady said...

What is "rooing". Do you pull the fleece off with your hands? It's beautiful fleece. Worth the doing, but will wait to hear more.
Hope you never change that header photo. I look forward to seeing this photo every time I visit.

Michelle said...

You've got it, farmlady; rooing is harvesting the wool by hand. It comes off more or less easily from sheep who go through a distinct "rise," which means there is a weak spot at the line of demarcation between old growth and new growth. I had more sheep show a "rise" this spring, but none rooed easily.

farmlady said...

Thank you for explaining "rooing". I had never heard of it. I've learned something very interesting.
Love your blog.