Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blue moon

I know; a "blue moon" is the second full moon in one month. But last night we had a visible full moon in winter in NW Oregon – which is almost as rare as a "blue moon"! Got some decent photos of it, too. Woot!
Even more dramatic if you click to biggify.
The big ice ring made it look like the "Eye in the Sky"!

Speaking of eyes, I finished Brian's Fish hat last night. It's hidden away for his 12th birthday. :-)

That's it for now from . . .


Kelly said...

Very nice moon shot (I fear that means something entirely and cute hat!!!

IsobelleGoLightly said...

Oooo! What a pretty moon!

Unknown said...

I haven't been blogging to much as I have been so busy but I just wanted to stop by and say "Hi"! I like the new layout and the new sheep pic!!

Susan said...

Beautiful shot of the moon, Michelle! And that hat is just wonderful!

Mama Pea said...

Cute, cute fish hat. Should really appeal to a 12 year old. (And some of us older than 12!!)

Love the "eye" shot of the moon. You obviously know a lot more about photography than I do!

Michelle said...

No mooning here, Kelly!

My sheep thought so, too, Isobelle. :-)

Good to hear from you, Kristi -- and thanks!

The hat is a great stash buster, Susan. Used up the last of all those yarns except the red Red Heart!

Mama Pea, what I know of photography is this: eliminate as much background clutter as possible, and take TONS of photos. Once in awhile, some will turn out! heh

Thirteen Sheep (Or More) said...

Good moon photos!

A :-) said...
