Oh, a lamb named Bloom... how wonderful. She's beautiful! I love the spring photos. That first daffodil is so pretty. There are so many varieties of them. Each is so unique. Please tell Bloom she is a lovely lamb. Happy Spring!!
Farmlady, Bloom is actually named after the light film that chocolate sometimes gets, since her sire is "Cadbury." But I couldn't resist including her since I got a current photo of her this morning! :-)
The daffs in that first shot are "Tahiti," one of my favorite varieties.
What beautiful "Blooms". We are having a "blackberry winter" here also but the forecast said it's supposed to end this week. Michelle: It's where our spring turns cold for a short time; we've have a cool snap down to the 20's here again at night and this last week it didn't get higher than 50-60's.
I'm a homeschooling, horse training, animal loving, garden growing, part-time business running, spinning and knitting shepherd who loves the Great Shepherd.
Oh, a lamb named Bloom... how wonderful. She's beautiful!
I love the spring photos. That first daffodil is so pretty. There are so many varieties of them. Each is so unique.
Please tell Bloom she is a lovely lamb.
Happy Spring!!
Farmlady, Bloom is actually named after the light film that chocolate sometimes gets, since her sire is "Cadbury." But I couldn't resist including her since I got a current photo of her this morning! :-)
The daffs in that first shot are "Tahiti," one of my favorite varieties.
Bloom is adorable, love the facial markings, looks like she is smiling. What is the yellow flower in the last picture?
I do so envy your beautiful spring flowers!
Beautiful flowers and I especially love the Bloom in the last one.
love the lamb's name...so cute! Hope you're enjoying spring; we're having blackberry winter here.
I'm doing my best to share them, Mama Pea!
I think she's pretty special, too. :-)
What is a "blackberry winter," Sandra?
What beautiful "Blooms". We are having a "blackberry winter" here also but the forecast said it's supposed to end this week. Michelle: It's where our spring turns cold for a short time; we've have a cool snap down to the 20's here again at night and this last week it didn't get higher than 50-60's.
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