Today was cleaning day. With lambs due from this one

and this one

(but unfortunately not from this one)

next weekend, the sheepfold
had to be stripped and rebedded, and with Rick's back in spasms, I knew I was facing the job alone. So I turned out the sheep, backed the pick-up into position, and proceeded with the heavy lifting.

Occasionally I would pause to remind myself why I was expending all available energy:

Inky was off by herself like that most of the day; uncomfortable; not grazing. Rick noticed it, too, and quietly went about preparing a final resting place.
For awhile, Inky's daughter Bramble stood near her.

Now Bramble calls, and I cry.
Oh, that's so hard - the cycle of life. Animals know when they're done, but oh poor Bramble. Poor you!! Soon the good part of the cycle of life will animate your farm and perhaps cheer Bramble up??
So sorry. Will be waiting to see new lamb pictures.
You gave Inky a good life and eased her passing. Hugs coming your way.
Jean - MN
So sorry, sis. Inky had a great home, and gave you lots in return...
Oh Michelle, big hugs. What a day you had. Making nice for the new arrivals and saying good bye to a dear old friend. Having a good cry with you.
I'm so, so sorry, Michelle.
oh michelle! i am so sorry!! :'( ((hugs))
I am so sorry.
Goodbye Inky. :-(
When we love deeply, we grieve deeply, and I know you loved Inky deeply. Sometimes the only comfort we have is knowing we stopped their suffering when everything in us wanted to keep our loved one here for one more day. Bless you for being so unselfish.
Great, now I'm crying too. We love our little fuzz butts, don't we?
Sharing your tears for beautiful Inky. She was lucky to have found you!
RIP beautiful, black Lady...
I am sooo sorrry, Michelle. Your Inky was well loved and will be mourned. I know the new babies on the way will not replace Inky, but hopefully, they will ease the pain.
Very sorry, Michelle, it's never easy.
I'm sorry to hear about Inky Michelle. As one reader commented, when we love deeply, we grieve deeply too. I understand all too well how much it hurts, and I'm sorry for your sadness. Rest in peace Inky...
Sometimes it hurts so much doing right by our beasties. I still miss a couple of my favorites, but knowing that you've done right by them helps in the long run.
I'm so sorry about Inky. Being a good Furbaby Mom means doing the right thing when the time comes. And you're one of the best Furbaby Moms I know. You'll know when it's time, but you'll take care of her. You'll cry and we will too. ((Hugs))
So sorry Michelle.
I'm sorry, Michelle. (big hug)
So sorry ..wish I could be there for you...for at least a hug. You are a spectacular shepherd, and Inky had a wonderful home.
What a hard, sad day.
Thank-you, each and every one of you, for your sympathetic comments. My heart still feels like lead. I knew the day was coming, but it's never easy, and makes me long for heaven where there will be no more death.
Oh, I am so sorry. {{{hug}}}
My sympathies to you and yours. You have treated Inky as decently in passing as you did in life. That's the best thanks you can give him.
I'm so sorry you lost Inky - I liked her the moment you made a blot post on her. Lucky for her she didn't have to continue in her suffering.
I am so sorry. She was such a lucky girl to live the end of her years at your farm.
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