Bramble and bark; wood and wool.
No signs of imminent lambing. Annabelle's udder still has room for expansion. Could both ewes possibly have settled on the second cycle, and not be due for seventeen more days? ARGH!
Waiting impatiently at . . .

Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
You should mat and frame it and enter it in you local country fair, and then hang center stage in your living room, terrific catch. How did you get him to pose like that.
cool picture Michelle. I love the texture differences...
Thanks! Bramble was watching one of the dogs; I just happened to be at the right place at the right time - WITH camera (that's the essential part).
What a beautiful picture! Talk about some serious texture going on... just WOW what a great shot!!!
Stunning photo!! We are having a photo contest at WSWF this year...If you send that out to me, I'll get it entered for you! (and send back too) The plan is to use all the photos in the contest to make a calendar (with credits listed, or coarse)
Or maybe you shouldn't send this one, it's sure to be a hard one to beat. :)
Kelly, I was thinking about entering it in Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival's photo contest. Guess I could enter it in both! When is WSWF?
First part of Sept.
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