Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The day dawns...
...cold! Brian whooped with delight when he awoke to snow, and promptly bundled up to go out and play. I bundled up to do chores, regretting my lack of foresight in draining the hose. (I WAS glad we put a heat bulb over the young pullets last night!) Since the roads could be dicey and Rick's truck has traction tires, he and Brian are headed to the airport to pick up his mother. According to the Portland station's meteorologist, the last time it snowed in November here was 2003; my MIL will NOT be impressed. I'm off to do some cleaning and cooking and plying while I have the house to myself.
When it's this nice in Iowa and it's the middle of November you wonder "What was it like last year?".. Yesterday it was in the 60's here , sunny and just a very nice day~! YIKES~! No snow here yet~! I know it's coming and that's O.K. I love snow. After driving school bus for 20 some years, I just don't mind the snow.. ice is another story... We had an unusual hot humid summer and now a mild winter so far.. I'm ready for winter but enjoying the days you can go outside and have on a light coat. ta ta for now,,from Iowa annieptigger@aol.com
I'm a homeschooling, horse training, animal loving, garden growing, part-time business running, spinning and knitting shepherd who loves the Great Shepherd.
Snow here as well. Time to put the YakTrax on my boots again. (sigh)
Keep safe on those roads!
...and I was complaining about MY hill - you have a MOUNTAIN of a hill. Drive safely!
When it's this nice in Iowa and it's the middle of November you wonder "What was it like last year?".. Yesterday it was in the 60's here , sunny and just a very nice day~! YIKES~! No snow here yet~! I know it's coming and that's O.K. I love snow. After driving school bus for 20 some years, I just don't mind the snow.. ice is another story... We had an unusual hot humid summer and now a mild winter so far.. I'm ready for winter but enjoying the days you can go outside and have on a light coat. ta ta for now,,from Iowa annieptigger@aol.com
You and your camera are a force to be reckoned with! What a beautiful, cold morning~!
Love the quail shot :)
I watched the Weather Channel today, for the first time in years. I had to Google to find the station! You and Seattle - good grief, batman.
I think my favorite of this bunch of photos is the second one. I love the light gently glowing through the trees.
Have I mentioned that I covet your camera?
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