Oreo is a weird cat; she definitely has a taste for grains. If I set a pan of sheep grain or a can of chicken feed down when she's around, she'll put a serious dent in the vegetarians' foodstuffs. This morning I tossed some stale cornbread to the chickens and put the pan on the sheep stand in the barn while I did chores. Next thing I know, she was licking up the crumbs.
We wormed Tippy a couple nights ago, so I'm hoping that will help him bulk up for winter. It feels like winter instead of fall now, and Tippy shows a decided preference for the heated tack room most of the time.
That's it for today from . . .

Oreo is doing some prewashing for you. Always helpful. Drives my inlaws crazy. :)
Lyra (the oh-so-vicious pit bull - NOT) loves the horse grain, the chicken feed, the turkey feed, and the pig beer. Unfortunately, she'll eat anything - sometimes to her detriment!
That doesn't surprise me, Laura, as dogs are omnivores and most of mine have been fond of fruits and vegetables, along with most anything else I offer them. But a cat? They are true carnivores!
I fed the sheepies some pumpkins today and you would have thought I was introducing mountain loins into their pasture! Good grief. Most of them did come around in the end. I used to have a cat that loved corn--canned, fresh or on the cob! Hope Tippy gets adjusted to the colder weather soon.
I've found Boo kitty will eat some of the chickens' scratch grain if I leave it out,, but otherwise doesn't seem to care much for grainy stuff (bread, crackers). Struck me as odd too.
Neelix loved chicken scratch - he'd practically stand by the feed barrel and beg for it!
Our sheep are like Tammy's - but they won't have anything to do with pumpkin at all -
Congrats on your downhill run with the alpaca - I have 12 oz. of bison/wool blend to spin - Lace weight for a friend! (not that I've ever spun lace weight before!) Should be interesting... T.
Tammy, we are experiencing our coldest temps yet (it may snow this weekend), but Tippy didn't beg to be let in the tack room tonight. Maybe he IS adjusting!
Thanks, Tina; I finished plying the first four ounces tonight. Two more four-ounce balls to go!
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