The raccoons have been as voracious as the birds and squirrels for the black oil sunflower seeds. I always check for coons after dark before letting the dogs out, because I don't want either species getting hurt. The other night I followed procedure, but it quickly became apparent from Jackson's barking and behavior that he'd treed something - under the deck! He was sniffing and scratching at the boards, so I ran down to the basement and turned on the light under the deck to see this:

Monday morning I let the dogs out and quickly realized that I need to start checking for coons in the AM, too. In the instant I realized the dogs had a coon trapped on the corner of the deck railing, Jackson jumped up and pulled it down to the deck as I barreled out the door yelling my head off. Fortunately Jackson is able to be called off (Dozer was a little slower to come, but did), and the coon was able to escape - hopefully without injury.
Then there are the cats. Tippy turned my heart inside out when he didn't show up at chore time Sunday night. But he was back Monday morning, so I sternly explained to him that he can't stay out late without calling. Recognizing that my tough talk was a merely a sign of my abject devotion, he purred back, "I love you, too; I do, I do."
Recently both cats followed me into the henhouse:

Another evening chore time, she showed a predilection for more carnivorous fare:

This morning both cats jumped up on opposite ends of the sawhorse in the barn and sat down, facing each other. It was a cute photo op, but as I fumbled with my camera they started trash-talking, and Oreo had turned away by the time I got off one shot before my battery went dead:

That's it for today from . . .