Brian and I entered Shannon's felting challenge recently, and finally had time Tuesday afternoon to pull out our kits and play. I encouraged Brian to follow Shannon's instructions and make a sheep, but I had decided in advance to try making a "bust" of a horse. It really went pretty fast, and I'm reasonably pleased with my first needle-felting attempt:

I have a feeling I'll keep poking at it, fine-tuning it here and there before submitting my final photo. I also see some sheep ornaments in my future, as my Christmas decorations are woefully skimpy in that subject area!
That's it for now at . . .

Love it! Needle felting is fun isn't it? Sometimes painful, but fun none the less.
Excellent job!!!
The wool sure lent itself well to the mane and forelock. I think it turned out very very well for a first attempt.
Thanks for the doggie input.
Wow fabulous! Well done!
Excellent! What a great job. I can't believe it's your first try! I am in the challenge too. I haven't decided on my final project yet. Will get on it this weekend! Evidently there is tough competition here!!
It's great and to think that you'll be getting better. I think you may have found another new hobby. You are very creative - good eye.
Very cute...a lot easier than I thought it would be. Did you see the angel ornaments we did this year? Very easy and I had no idea what I was doing, just took out the needles and started. I think we will try sheep next year.
What a darling horse! Where's Brian's sheep?
Nancy in Iowa
Uh, Brian's sheep is still legless and headless, and the head itself is one-eared. He lost interest, and it remains to be seen if he finds it again.
Love the horse! I've been meaning to try needle felting for a while, and just haven't found the time.
I guess if Brian never finds the interest again, you'll just have to rescue the poor, unfinished thing. ;-)
Great job! And only one battle wound - good on ye! Felting needles really hurt though, don't they?
Great work Michelle! I have a feeling you'll be doing a lot more needlefelting in the future. :-) Isn't it fun? You can get as detailed as you want and put in armature for structure. Can't wait to see the sheep eventually.
That is so cool! Looks like you have a talent for felt sculpting. :)
AMAZING!!! I knew you would be a natural :)
Great job, Michelle! Needle felting is not my forte so hats off to those who can do it!
Great job, Michelle! Needle felting is not my forte so hats off to those who can do it!
Oh, oh, Michelle, Brian sounds too much like me! I need to finish some projects, too, and they're not crafty!
Nancy in Iowa
Well done Michelle! My daughter needle felts and does some amazing stuff too, though not as large as your gorgeous horse head. You are a natural.
Pretty kewl, Michelle! But you made me giggle . . . because when I biggified the photo, I could swear that you used black olives for the eyes ;-D
Seriously - it's darling, and something I've been thinking about trying myself for awhile :-)
Beautiful! Funny thing, I just purchased a felting character kit and am gleefully looking forward to felting!!
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