Not that I have much choice in the matter; like I said, there always seems to be too much to do around here. Even though I might LIKE to curl up and pull the covers over my head (going to sleep was my preferred way of dealing with depression in college), that's not an option when you have a busy boy and hungry animals and needy clients and producing garden and - well, you get the picture.
Yesterday, Brian wanted to lead his sheep around for some grazing time, so I got Browning out of the ram lot for him.

After this little "fleece fix," I soldiered on through some clients' jobs and then rode my horse. That went well, which always helps. Next, Brian and I ran some errands in Salem. On our way out of town Brian asked if we could stop at the Riverfront Carousel. We got him a punchcard for Christmas a couple years ago that he hasn't used much, so I obliged. All the pretty horses going 'round and 'round is a joyful sight....

On the way home we stopped to get a box of peaches from the neighbor who has a small orchard of "Canadian Harmony" freestones; I'll get more next week. For supper I sliced two up and poured a little fat-free half-and-half over them; heaven on my tongue!

That's it for now at . . .

acchhh! You shouldn't be showing fleece as pretty as Brown's! Now I want some too. Love the glorious dawn, think of all the sleepy heads who missed it!
Brian's getting SO tall!
I'm sending you a hug...
Shelly, if it makes you feel better, I sold out of all but a smidgeon (for me) of Browning's lamb fleece roving at Black Sheep Gathering, and Brian is already laying claim to Browning's next shearing. He says he wants to learn to spin and make himself a sweater with the yarn (we won't mention the simple garter stitch scarf of his that has been languishing for months).
Thanks, Nancy, I neeed that! Maybe that's my problem. I KNOW I haven't been getting enough hugs....
Fat free half-and-half? Is that even possible? I thought it was half cream half fat? ;) Looks yummy. And there's nothing cuter than a boy and his sheep. That's gotta warm a momma's heart.
Those peaches look so good. I have been meaning to take my granddaughters to the carousel in Salem. They would love that so I guess we will put it on our calendar.
Yes, Christine, fat-free half-and-half! I looked at the ingredients today when I bought another quart; probably not the purest "food" but it is better for my cholesterol levels and sure is tasty for those times when you want a little indulgence.
ummmm made me hungry
Oh man, I miss "real" peaches. We got those when I live in Sacramento. There's isn't much in the high desert, but I can't see me moving, but I haven't forgotten how much I love them there peaches.
Covers over the head - isn't that me every morning? My stinkin' dogs expect some form a walk and are an absolute tyranny. How far we walk depends on the level of my fatigue, and to think that I ran races. Funny how things go~
While the feelings of depression haven't hit me yet, the list of tasks that need to be accomplished is frankly overwhelming me! I think I'm in a little over my head right now...but so it goes. Just to let you know I enjoy your posts so much and always look forward to the 'next installment'. Heres praying you get to feeling better .
Sorry to hear you are down (hugs). But what a great sunrise. I am getting to see sunrise here too as my kids are back at school. At least you got a good ride in. Oh and the fleeces look very nice as well.
Must be the impending winter or the busy harvest time. {{{hug}}}
Love the last carousel picture!
My code word is "symple". Probably good advice :-).
What a beautiful carousel! My first love as a child was horses and still hold on to hopes of owning one someday.
It's so nice to meet you. I'm also a spinner but haven't done so for the last year since we moved. Just too much to do so the wheel sits in it's place of honor in the livingroom.~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Welcome Ahrisha! Just to warn you, getting a horse will NOT help your problem of no time to spin! Now that I'm back to riding my horse more regularly, I have less time to spin; one only has so much discretionary time! But what to give up, when I enjoy it ALL so much?
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