Getting the mail on the way to town was the perfect antidote, though, because a very distracting - in a good way - envelope awaited me. It was from New Zealand, and contained the pattern for the vest I've been coveting. I didn't want to ruin my euphoria with fear of failure, so I haven't looked closely at the pattern to see if I can manage it. Leave me my delusions....
At the end of a long string of errands, we planned to eat supper out and go to a free outdoor concert at Linfield College. But it started to sprinkle a wee bit, and then a bit more, and by the time we finished supper it was definitely too soggy to sit on the grass and listen to Caribbean music. Drove by the campus just in case; the stage was empty and the sound equipment set up earlier and covered with tarps was gone. But you know what? I'll gladly give up a concert for a little precip! We got ONE day with rain in the whole month of July - one. I had forgotten how delicious the air smells when it rains after a dry spell; last night I think all the plants were extra fragrant in gratitude for getting the dust rinsed off. Walking past a border planting on the way back from doing chores, I could smell both lavender and thyme; sublime.

Of course, when we got home a line of ants was marching back and forth again. I served up a couple stations of sweet Borax for the little buggers, and although it is taking great restraint to allow them free access to my home, I know they must indulge and carry the poison back to their nest to end the infestation. Infestation. Even the word makes me itch.
That's it for now at . . .

I used to use Bioganic when I lived in Southern California. They made one for crawly insects and one for flying ones. Worked great, but I don't think they make the crawly any more, more's the pity :-S I hope your remedy works. Ants creep me out, too.
"Skeeved Out" or "Heebe Jeebies" would have made a great title for the blog.
I hate ants. I get itchy too whenever I think about ants all over my old house or the idea of someone bringing in fleas from the outside world. Ugh.
I hope the little blighters are out of your home soon.
Sung to the Pink Panther theme, 'dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, deadant, deadant, deadant, deadant, deadant.... dedededant!'
Becky, you are too funny! I actually have that music; designed a dressage musical freestyle to it and then never got to use it. Here's hoping the ants are dead soon!
Eeewww....I'm all itchy now too. I think I would have titled it "The Ants Came Marching One by One" because it reminded me of that little kids song. I don't know why!
Dare tries to herd ants...
Wizz :-)
Oooohhh yuck!!! I get itchy too, in fact just reading about them creeps me out. Lice, ticks, gnats, mites, ants are all unnecessary as far as I am concerned! I am so jealous of the rain... we didn't get any down here. I love the smells after a summer shower.
Creepy! Made me flash back to when Diane was a baby and I needed to heat a bottle in the middle of the night. Enough moonlight filtered into the kitchen that I didn't need artificial light - sleepily got a bottle from the fridge, put a pan of water on the electric stove (this was almost 40 years ago!!) and in the vague light saw moving things on floor and stove. Turned on the light, and a thick line of ants was marching across the floor, up the counters, and across the stove. I don't think I screamed, but Mother Nature forgive me - I started brushing ants onto the electric burners! Pest control guy later found we had an ant colony under the tiles of the nearby laundry room. ????
That is the punch line to a joke:
What did the Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant?
One thing you may want to do is to spray white vinegar on the trail that they are using to find their way back into the house. Where-ever they were marching, spray vinegar. Then spray the door/window/etc that they used. This will disrupt the scent that they use to find their way in!
"The ants go marching, one by one...."
That sort of thing makes me itch, too.
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