
Making me wish for more (time):

Soon to be less: The person who fell in love with Bella at BSG is buying both Bevin and Bella's dam Rechel as well! They will be moving to their new home on Aug. 24. That just leaves the two extra wethers to place. In the meantime, I am keeping my eye open for just the right ewe to add to my little flock. I am holding out for a friendly girl with wonderful fleece (preferably not grey or musket) and all the ideal Shetland characteristics that carries polled genetics. If I don't find her, I may just wait and see if I get a promising daughter of Braveheart's next spring.
That's it for now at . . .

Loved to tooth picture. Hope he gets through corn season with the rest of the top ones in place.
Gee...now you've got me wondering if I should sell Ailee! heeheehee!
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