This is the glorious sight that greeted me this morning out our bedroom window - well, as much of the glorious sight that my digital camera can capture!
It has been cold for this side of those mountains, but nothing like my sweet Valentine is experiencing. Lois sent me this photo of her in a Christmas email; what nice fleece she must be growing! I'm working on getting a quarantine pen set up from which Valentine can see the other sheep.

I didn't get as many scarves knitted for Christmas presents as I would have liked; in fact, I have a couple still on the needles and a few other projects that I must do soon for friends returning from Fiji in January. But I sat down and counted up how many I HAVE made since I started knitting in September, and the tally wasn't too bad for a beginner with a lot of other irons in the fire -- 13 scarves and one hat! I've been stockpiling some yarn and fiber for future projects (have to watch that; I hear there's a real danger of becoming a "stashaholic"), and spinning when I have time. As soon as I finish the specific projects on my to-do list, I want to try dying with Kool-Aid, complete the sweater sampler (from The Sweater Workshop), and try my hand at socks (with a simple tube-sock pattern from the same book). How DO some people have time to get bored?
That's it for now at . . .

Good on ya, Michelle! Wow! 13 Scarves is something you can really be proud of. (And this reminds me that I need to get busy with my sampler too)
Valentine looks alot like my Amanda, who is at the moment a fleece-ball on four toothpicks. I was trying to see how over/under conditioned she was and couldn't get through her wonderful fleece.
Happy New Year!
And I count YOU as one of the good things of 2006, Michelle!
2007 will only get better, right? :)
Hi Michelle - A quick note to say Happy New Year! I have to go get my bobbins emptied so Kathy's yarn fairy doesn't bring me bad luck next year! Don't worry about becoming a "stasher" - I think you'd be in very good company! (LOL)
Cheers! Tina
I have been so blessed by the addition of Shetland sheep and the many people they have brought into my life in 2006! Helpful, friendly people, many of whom have become wonderful friends and invaluable mentors. Of course, with the sheep and sheepy people have come knitting, spinning, "stashaholism" . . . .
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