If you follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook, you know that my title is all too accurate. Sometime on Friday Bud got his right front leg caught in his hay feeder, and by the time I found him Friday night he was exhausted from struggling and very, very broken – as in a broken humerus, nerve damage, and probably extensive soft tissue damage. At this point he doesn't/can't use his right shoulder and leg at all, and the prognosis is guarded whether he gets surgery or simple conservative management, so we are opting for the second. That means giving him time, managing the pain and swelling, and keeping his rumen going by getting him to eat . . . something, anything. He has hay and I've offered him maple leaves, Purina Lamb & Ewe pellets (plain and dressed with Nutri-Drench), dandelion leaves, and beet greens; the only thing he does more than taste are the dandelion leaves which are hard to find right now, just emerging as they are with the recent rain and cooler weather. You can be sure I'm scouring the property for them.
And yes, earlier that same day I posted to Instagram/FB about spending quality time with Bud while cleaning up his fleece and getting a coat on him.

I do have a post I started early last week with more ordinary updates that I will finish, and lots of photos of fall beauty that deserve a post of their own, so there may be a relative 'posting frenzy' coming up. Hopefully I'll hear from you in the comments!
That's it for now from a somber . . .
You are a wonderful mom! Sending healing prayers to Bud & a big hug to you.
I'm so sorry to hear of the serious mishap. I do hope he recovers.
Forgot to sign-WI Dee
Thank goodness you are married to a vet and wishing the very best for you.
Thanks for your prayers, Dee; he's going to need them to recover from this.
Me, too, Sue; he's destined to be a fiber pet so I can spoil him without concern.
Yes, Marlane, having a vet as a husband when you have animals is a huge blessing.
Oh man, I did see this on Instagram. I sure hope he's going to be OK.
My Shetlands love rose bushes . My goats also and it is almost always eaten when they are turning up their noses due to illness or injury to anything else. Have to keep those rumen"s going!
Time will tell, A. He's eating and drinking better now, at least.
Sue, deer also love rosebushes, so there are none on our place. But Bud is eating his hay now, so I am encouraged.
I'm SO sorry about what happened to Bud! I pray that he will improve steadily. Please keep us posted as to how he does.
Oh no!! He must be in some pain. Is he getting (or was he getting) some pain relief - pills or shot or something?
He's showing slow, miniscule improvement, Jeanne, but it's too early to tell if the broken bone, nerves, and soft tissue will heal.
Yes, Elaine, Bud got painkiller and steroids right away via injections. A few days ago we switched to a pain reliever in pill form which he much prefers; I dissolve the pills in water and add molasses and he sucks on the syringe (sans needle) after I squirt it in his mouth! He'll be on them for the six-eight weeks that healing will take if it does occur.
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