Rick fixed our electric entry gate – again. (It's old.) Yay; Poppy could at least go outside, if not yet play with the neighbor boy (but SOON; very soon). She had been out for at least 30 minutes, sniffing around, playing with Chuckie, looking through the fence longingly for her friends. I thought I heard the recycling truck so went out to see. Poppy started running over to me when she spotted Stella in the middle pasture, apparently for the first time. I haven't been turning Poppy loose when the horses are out because she acts like she wants to 'play' with them. (She obviously wasn't permanently traumatized by Lance stepping on her.🙄) When I had taken her out earlier on the leash, she seemed to notice the geldings without taking interest, so I had turned her loose. But as soon as she saw Stella, she streaked towards the fence – and I streaked after her, calling for her, yelling "No!" Before I could nab her, she found a gap under the fence to squeeze through, and the chase was on. Stella startled and bolted, but wheeled on Poppy when she got near. Poppy would reverse course, then turn to chase Stella again. Once, when Poppy got close, Stella fired with both hind feet – fortunately missing Poppy, but underlining just how dangerous this game was. After all three of us had sprinted back and forth for a few minutes, Poppy stopped for a breather. She wasn't going to come to me or let me catch her, but perked up when I said "Cookie?" Seizing the possibility that she might follow (I didn't have treats on me), I jumped up and ran for the gate to the yard, saying, "Let's go get you a cookie!" And hallelujah, praise the Lord, she did.
She was pretty tired after that, and just wanted to stretch out and rest. She did get up on my bed, which has a new blue spread on it thanks to her 'unstuffing' the old, tattered comforter, but the photos below were taken earlier this week.
As demanding and exhausting as she can be, it would break my heart to lose her. She's beautiful, smart, and the best little napping partner I've ever had. (I think I've needed more naps since getting her!)

Yep, I think I'll keep her. Which means not turning her loose again when the horses are out on pasture!
Sometimes I call her "Sweet Pea," like the wild ones blooming along the roadside.
That's it for today from . . .
WHOA!!! I thought we heading for another injury but your title reminded me ... not so! Gosh, darn it!!! She is an amazing ball of energy and curiosity. Your selection of dog breeds is all over the chart!! On one end there is Poppy and on the other end was that handsome bull dog! Bull dogs can be crazy nuts for maybe about 2 years, then they go straight to senior citizens for the rest of the lives! Hahaha. I am guessing Poppy will be a puppy for the until maybe that last 2 days of her life when she will try out being a senior citizen!!
She will keep you young - if she doesn't give you a heart attack. Haha!!
Omigosh, that could have resulted in so much more than another injury for Poppy. Hearts were pounding during that little escapade. (Even for me reading it!)
Once again, it appears that you and I are on the same path. 'As demanding and exhausting as she can be....' I know exactly what you mean. It is now one year since Annie Oakley came to be with me at Oakdale Farm. Demanding and exhausting is my experience too. But, Annie is beginning to settle down and she is a keeper. But WOW! what a year. My neighbors provided me with this Aussie/Heeler pup because they cared about me and thought I should have a dog, after Zoey passed on. I am so blessed to have great neighbors. But an old guy raising a high energy pup is a challenge I don't want to have again! Annie and I have caught our stride and have learned how to live with each other. You and Poppy will, too. But Wow!
Joyce and I watched a cattle dog field trial one time when the dog was trying to pen a big calf. The dog was an experienced champion. At exactly the moment when the calf was trying to decide whether to go into the corral or not, the dog charged, nipped the calf's heel and then magically flattened himself on the ground - just as the calf's hooves SWOOSHED over the dog's head. Had the do not ducked, he would have been knocked goofey! A lesson I hope Poppy doesn't have to learn the hard way! Cheers.
She is officially out of heat now, Elaine, so I'm looking forward to her getting worn out playing with the neighbor dogs. That's FUN to watch, rather than heart-stopping like watching her chase Stella!
Oh yes, Mama Pea, I was envisioning sudden death or a broken back; it was terrifying!
Poppy makes me FEEL old, Tim! Like you, I won't do this again, but hopefully will not have to think about that for many years – if I can keep Poppy alive.
Oh, Michelle! I thank the Lord for helping you protect sweet Poppy! That was too close for sure!
She's such a character, and so beautiful! She's a lot bigger than I expected her to get.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank goodness for cookies! I read your post with my heart in my throat! I'm so glad everything turned out well. I will have to say that Poppy is the most photogenic dog!
Herding dogs and horses are an ongoing training challenge. My two Australian Shepherds Roy and Kole and a German Shepherd mix I had Sam, I almost forgot Patches a Dalmation mix she went into a siesure after being struck at and was fine.(RIP my lovies) all escaped serious maimings under horses feet. One got kicked in the head the others got trampled and trodden on. None had any serious injuries from this thank God. At the time it was extremely worrying and traumatic. None required veterinarian treatment.
Just WOW. Glad all ended well.
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