I know every relationship has ebbs and flows. What's frustrating is when you want to connect, and life gets in the way. My life – the demands others and I myself put on my time – was pretty packed as it was. Now that my MIL has moved to town, it is even more so. I am fighting despair verging on depression over all the things that need to be done that aren't getting done – not to mention having no time to connect with friends IRL or online.
So right now I'm sitting down to share some disjointed thoughts and photos – even though I'm being interrupted by a reluctant homeschooler, demanding dogs, moving garden/landscape irrigation frequently, and thoughts of all that I should be getting done today.
Cadbury needed to have his tight snail scurs trimmed before he and Bonny move on to produce fabulous fleece and awesome offspring for someone else. Rick helped me do that this morning, along with trimming scurs on Bart, Bing, and Bittersweet. Here are Cadbury and his (equally friendly) son Bittersweet; the other two declined sittings with the photographer:
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All trimmed up and ready to meet his new lady friends! |
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Bittersweet only needed his right scur trimmed; the left broke off long ago. |
Despite their negligent caretaker and the weeds and grass trying to choke them out, some of my iris are determined to bloom. Maybe their bed will get a thorough spring cleaning next year....
From the harried shepherd at . . .
Oh, Michelle. This time of year is stressful for us all! There is always too much to do. Do try not to despair if things don't get done. The important things will and the rest? Well, let them go. How nice that Bonny and Cadbury are off to bright new pastures! But sad for you -- until you remember that you can have LAMBS next spring! Your irises are absolutely beautiful! The colors are amazing! I should take a picture of my flower beds and post them - so you can feel better. Everything's a mess, but there's only one of me (and you). Check in with us so we know you're okay - besides, your posts are great.
Now truly, blog friend, didn't you feel better after you sat and "talked" with us all?
I agree with so much of what Susan said. It is a crazy time of year. Not only do we have our usual daily tasks but now we've got ALL that stuff outside to do! Obviously, we were plenty busy before so how do we add all this extra and make it work?
Add to all of that relationships that need attention and other blips that seem to descend upon us when we are least able to cope and it's almost too much.
This uncomfortable period will pass. (But never quickly enough!) Keep posting your beautiful pictures of your flowers and animals. They are so much enjoyed. Hugs.
Thank you both for your comments, understanding and support. It is hard being "sandwich filling" (being the sandwich generation), as I knew it would be. I'm afraid when this phase is over I'll be too old and tired for all the things I WANT to do; life is just too short!
What Susan and Mama Pea said. The important stuff will get done. Leave some of the rest once and a while to take care of you. Its okay to ask for help now and then, don't wait until you're worn to a frazzle. Its also okay to "unvolunteer" from a few things while you adapt to your new role. Try and make taking good care of yourself just as (if not more) important as taking care of everybody else, and then you won't be "too old and too tired" when this particular time is done. Unless you're planning on "punching out" early, you have many years left. Lets make a date to get together, 20 years from now!
Life does feel frazzled sometimes and finding your 'new groove' will take some time. It is ok that some things get done differently. We all judge ourselves too harshly for what we don't get done instead of what we do get done. Michelle I can truly relate to being the sandwich filling.....but that is another story. Just keep taking beautiful photos, they are very much appreciated! Your iris blooms are beautiful. I'm sure that Bonny and Cadbury will be fine in their new home! Happy MOther's Day!
I think we all can agree with you life does get busy and it is too short but we can only do what we can do and try to enjoy every day that we are blessed with. Your garden is beautiful and must be a joy to look at everyday.
I, too, finally just decided you just do what you can. Love the iris pics - my grandma had a HUGE iris garden - it always reminds me of her when I see pretty ones like you have.
Happy Mother's Day! T.
You are a member of a huge club Michelle...I've had similar feelings of never having enough time to do all the things that need, must, want to get accomplished all my life. I read something the other day that reminded me that all we can do is take life as it comes. Do what we can, and leave the rest for another day. Just think of it as job security. :)
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