The maples are blooming:

Their flowers are falling:

The chickens are ecstatic!

Today really DOES feel like spring; it's supposed to be sunny all day and get up to 60 degrees (after frost last night). Woot!
That's it for today at . . .

Tending fine-fleeced Shetland sheep and a whole lot more on a small acreage in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
Your new girls are getting so big! They are beautiful. My dad ordered some Speckled Sussex hens this year and I may be tempted to get some next year. They are lovely girls.
All the new girls are laying now. The Easter Eggers are my smallest hens; the Speckled Sussex are as big as my old hens. Everyone gets along well!
Great spring photos :-)
Oh man, your pictures make mine though to swallow. I will not be jealous, I will not jealous, I will not be jealous - okay, now I will.
Oh woot is right. It doesn't look like that around here! It does in Ashland though. Lovely pictures, can I come and stay with you in the spring. I can muck! ;)
I only hope spring doesn't blossom too quickly into summer! LOL
I wanted to tell you that I got my new camera the other day. I followed your recommendation and am so glad I did! Still learning the ins and outs, but I'm really happy with it so far.
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